Triban 3 Owners Club

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rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
what happened is anyones guess. I did the 2ft jump on a sloping decent fine - where I landed was about 1 foot lower than the bottom of the jump, so a 3 ft jump in total. I seem to have failed to stop correctly from what I recall. I know I nailed the landing fine. I think I may have 'over done' the braking and was left with 3 options. 1 drop the bike to the left uphill, 2 drop the bike to the right down hill, 3 over the bars. never been over the bars, never intend to, dropping the bike and me downhill seemed easier than uphill but not as sensible. the fall did not actually hurt (ironically it was in a grass field so I have no idea how my helmet broke quite so badly) and I have yet to really work out what happened to the helmet - current reply is that my bike and I had a difference of opinion as to how many pieces my helmet should be in.

see this is what happens when you cheat on your triban.

let this be a lesson to us all.........
see this is what happens when you cheat on your triban.

let this be a lesson to us all.........

ahh but it is bike number 2 as it is... and I have been riding it with a mtb helmet for all its life. it should be used to it by now! and I have taken it out on the muddy dirty tracks and it was not particularly impressed with it but did cope surprisingly well, but I have to confess I did not think it would stand up to what I was doing this weekend but I am taking the 2nd & 3rd bikes (T3 & mtb) on holiday together next week so they had better play fair, they are going to be next to each other on the bike rack and I want no squabbling...
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24th december 2012


Active Member
East Devon
thank you. I got up and carried on cycling after a cup of (green) tea and an ice pack...
anyone can cycle the world - trust me. it was just a dream until I acted on it and proved it is surprisingly easy... dog bite is healing slowly but I have managed a 2 mile walk to the post office today to post my helmet back to specialized for a replacement one and walking that far even at Christmas would not have been possible.

Just had a quick read of your blog SNSSO and look forward to reading more when time permits. Much respect. In an earlier incarnation (in the 70's), I used to organise adventure camping holidays in Eastern Turkey so know those dogs with the spiked collars very well. They often attacked our vehicle and I was glad of the security it gave. Like you I found the Turks, particulrly in the more remote areas, very friendly and generous. "Midnight Express" gave them a bad image which is very unfair. I hope your various injuries clear up soon. Take care


Über Member
Saw another T3 locked to the rack at college. Shame i leave early, no idea whose it was.

I almost panicked though, thought my lock had been broken and the bike moved.


Seen a couple locked up at Paddington and a few whizzing by around town.
Saw a courier with one and tri bars ..... He was absolutely flying around sloane square

Tom Hooper

Active Member
any one around the north east with a T3?

i am also using these big improvment in the bends iv been alot more confident with them. and cheap


I have been using those tyres over many of thousands of miles over the years with very few problems and very few punctures.
Great value for money tyres. Look good too

Ahem, cough, cough. Don't mention the T3 Owners Club Forum, wait while the gaffer's gone!!! :stop::whistle:

In answer to an earlier question, I have yet to see another T3 being used in anger out and about. Surely I can't be the only one that owns one round my neck of the woods!


Active Member
I seen a few red btwin bikes. But they had the BTWIN(rather than the btwin) logo, so i just assumed it was the £1200 bike they sell. but now I know that some of the t3's have the capital logo. So probally was t3's I was seeing.

I did see a triban 3 when I finished work in green lanes, haringey. naturally I had to go full pelt up green lanes to win the race. even though I was zonked from work.
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