Triban 3 Owners Club

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Active Member
South West
Am trying to change my pedals today.

How the hell do you get these Triban 3 pedals off?

Please can we use anti-clockwise and clockwise - it's so much easier than left or right.


Active Member
South West
Shimano are replacing their entry level 2300 series with a new groupset called Claris. B'Twin use 2300 for the derailleur and shifters. The new shifters do away with the litlle button and work in the same way as their more upmarket kit. This might be another opportunity for the "Upgrader" faction in our midst.

I much prefer the little click button anyway actually
They seem so so so tight.

I'm just using an adjusttable spanner.
should be fine. One trick is to make sure that you are moving the spanner arm into the crank arm, so bringing them together, allows for both hands to be used wrapping figures around carnk arm and clamping them towards each other (hard to explain, easy to demonstrate). Easier than having the spanner arm at 180 degrees to the crank arm. If they won't budge at all, you have 2 options 1) try the other way very slightly sometimes justs helps to break the seal that has formed, then go back to the correct way or 2) take it back to decathlon under warranty... ring them first, explain you can't get the pedals off etc and simply ask them for help with it....


Active Member
open ended spanner with a loooong handle is the only way usually. i got so fed up with struggling with the wrong tools - ended up buying a pedal spanner
Still no luck.

They seem like they're welded in there.
tis easy with a proper spanner, i'm afraid. however, make sure the adjustable spanner is being used in the correct direction, they are (usually) directional, so you need to be holding it correctly with it the right way up and aiming to push down not pull up (without wanting to teach you to suck eggs...).

Non drive side is clockwise BTW - just checked on my T3


Active Member
or think of it as. both sides loosen towards the rear of the bike, and tighten in the direction the bike travels. if left/right/clockwise/a.clockwise gets abit confusing

you could always give the spanner a few taps with a hammer once its secured on.
Been whacking it with a hammer.

Still nothing.

Losing my patience a bit now

Hammer, tapping it is ok, whacking might do more damage. If they won't budge at all, cycle down to a local bike shop of any kind and ask for help. they will have the proper pedal remover tool and it is much easier with it and gives you an excuse to get out on the bike! most LBS's will help for free...


Baldy Go
I decided to change my pedals after a couple of weeks of Tribanism..........had some nice ones ready and a pukka 'Park' pedal spanner. I couldn't budge them either! Soaked the crank ends with WD40, slipped a spare seat tube that that just happened to be lurking in the shed over the end of a small adjustable spanner and they came off like butter in a hot wok!
Leverage is the answer.

As for remembering which way is tight and which is loose-I tend to think of loosening as as turning BACK towards the the rear of the bike.....which is counter intuitive for for one of the pedals but absolutely right.

Remember to grease the threads on yer new ones and it will help next time the job needs doing.
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