Triban 3 Owners Club

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Hey thanks a million, its the brakes that are scaring me the most, as I find it hard to stop they are so tight to pull. I was wondering if it was just a case of getting used to them but I think I would feel much better if I were able to stop the bike lol!
Give me a moment and I will find the old thread of mine which has this exact issue - tis another thread somewhere on here. improved the situation considerably!


Man or Moose!
OK thanks. Wonder which are the Fulcrum rim/tyre combos to avoid?

Not a clue, tbh I liked the Fulcrum Racing 7 wheels with Conti GP4000s tyres for my winter training duties. I use these wheels as turbo wheels now with a crap tyre on, but they are bomb proof wheels, heavy, but they are well built and roll well for the money.
Hey thanks a million, its the brakes that are scaring me the most, as I find it hard to stop they are so tight to pull. I was wondering if it was just a case of getting used to them but I think I would feel much better if I were able to stop the bike lol!
Ok follow this link. I can now outbrake my OH by more than 10m and can do an emergency stop, so am happy with the result - I still have the shims fitted btw just so that I can get easier reach to the levers to change gear...
I thought my brake blocks on the T3 were rubbish at first but I have got use to them. I thought perhaps I had to break them in if you’ll excuse the pun I did wonder what those bits of rubber type thingy were when I first had it but realised it was for people with shorter fingers perhaps.


I had the same problem with the riding position as Satnav and other people have said before its does take practice and like you I fould th postion of the gear change a bit disconserting at first but you do get used to it perhaps just little rides to start on some quiet lanes or better still moterist free cyclepath?

I also found the riding strange at first, however after three wobbly laps round the Decathlon car-park I had to ride it home including going through the centre of Stockport. Quiet lanes would be a better start! I have found that it soon gets easier.Keep at it.

Ben Bird

New Member
Received my B'twin Triban 3 last week, have yet to have a go on it, I used to bike a lot (only a mountain bike or old 3 speed) but really looking forward to getting out on the road a lot this year, for fitness and for satisfaction too! I done quite a bit of biking last year, using sports tracker as my main tracking tool. I see there are some other tracking tools that people like to use out there too, anyone else wish to share what they use?

I have never ridden a road bike before but have had a look at quite a few tutorials in the best posture etc when riding and how to get yourself set up so it will be a case of trial and error, I note that comfort is the main thing.

I’m leaving everything at stock (as purchased) at the minute and too see how I get on, my Dad has also purchased the bike so we will be riding together quite a lot of the time.

I may change the seat, need to see how comfortable it is, but I will get some padded cycling shorts too, oh and a hat!

Tom Hooper

Active Member
been trying to sort out front derialier today. after five mins iv made it worse and now been stuck for an hour or two, get to a point when its half decent but wont shoot down to 2nd ring and skips straight to the tiny ring. might take it to LBS and get some bartape fitted as im their.

also any one ever had to sort a courier out for wheels? i have no idea where to start


Active Member
Mine has a sticker at the bottom of the rear of seat tube that says Made in Italy in several languages. I read somewhere that they sub contract it to Dedacciai (not sure if I spelt that right). It was bought about a month ago directly from a Decathlon store

I feel a bit cheated, having bought mine from store a few weeks ago and it has a sticker that says 'Made In Romania' :sad:

Ben Bird

New Member
If it's any consultation I just checked mine and it says the same. Made in Romania. I don't know if this means it is designed in Italy but made in Romania. I don't think it's a problem though.

Ben Bird

New Member
Why do you care where it is made?

A number of forum posts suggest that the frame is designed possibly made in Italy.
Like I said before I don't think it's a problem. I just didn't know and possibly the person raising it that due to the success of the triban 3 they've moved frame manufacturing processes to Romania in order to keep up with demand? I don't know if any of the above has any relevance maybe they were always made in Romania? Just seems strange that someone earlier posted he had a sticker saying made in Italy, but ours have got Romania.

Deleted member 20519

Mine also says 'Made in Romania', the decals on the frame say 'Designed and Engineered in France' though.
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