Triban 3 Owners Club

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Billy Adam

Senior Member
Received my B'twin Triban 3 last week, have yet to have a go on it, I used to bike a lot (only a mountain bike or old 3 speed) but really looking forward to getting out on the road a lot this year, for fitness and for satisfaction too! I done quite a bit of biking last year, using sports tracker as my main tracking tool. I see there are some other tracking tools that people like to use out there too, anyone else wish to share what they use?

I have never ridden a road bike before but have had a look at quite a few tutorials in the best posture etc when riding and how to get yourself set up so it will be a case of trial and error, I note that comfort is the main thing.

I’m leaving everything at stock (as purchased) at the minute and too see how I get on, my Dad has also purchased the bike so we will be riding together quite a lot of the time.

I may change the seat, need to see how comfortable it is, but I will get some padded cycling shorts too, oh and a hat!
Hi Ben I used to use MapMyRide, which was quite good. But use Strava now for ease of uploading rides and comparisons. Used both on my iPhone thingy.
Only had my triban3 for about 3weeks (first road bike since I was a nipper) and am absolutely loving it. Hope you enjoy yours as much.

Ben Bird

New Member
Thanks Billy. I think I'll stick with sports tracker for the time being. Hopefully I can beat my average speeds of my mountain bike of 13/14mph lol :smile: my username on sportstracker is benbird7.


Active Member
East Devon
I to had this issue and it irritated the hell out of me.
I did a bit of googling and found some one who had the same issue on a shimano shifter but from a different group set.
They took it to there lbs who applied a little grease to a washer inside the shifter.

I decided to have a go at sorting it after my ride ride the other morning. It was very fiddly to get the shifter apart. But I did manage to succeed. I will try to describe how I fixed but I would look for a better guide on dismantling the shifter, I did find some instructions online but can't find them now.
  • Shift on to the smallest ring
  • Pull back the rubber hood
  • Unscrew the small screw
  • Pull the lever as if you are braking and shift at the same time and the front plastic cover will come off. A small piece of plastic and the metal washer will probably fall off.
  • The washer is the cause of the buzzing. Look in side the plastic cover and you will see where the washer is designed to fit.
  • Pop a little dab of grease on the washer and pop it in the plastic hood. Its a bit tight in there and the washer must sit correctly. I used a magnetic screw driver to get it in as my fingers were a little fat.
  • The fiddly bit, getting it all back together.
  • You need to get the plastic hood back on to the main unit making sure the washer does not move and get the small piece of plastic that came out back where it belongs. I used the other shifter for reference.
  • Once its all back together pop the little screw back in and pull the hood back.
  • Enjoy a buzz free ride :biggrin:
I some how managed to break the small plastic cover that covers the gear indicator. Not sure how. It still sits snugly but is now very easy to pry off.

I don't have much confidence in my technical abilities so if you plan to attempt this look for a more detailed guide about dismantling the shifter.

I stripped down both shifters and finally got them both back together. I wouldn't recomend this job to someone who is short of time and patience but I think its going to work. I'l give it a run tomorrow. Thanks again for the advice.
Anyone know the intricacies of getting a bike from Decathlon on Cycle Scheme? Am I right in thinking you have to go to store (my nearest is 45 miles away) to get a quote so you can use the quote to get a voucher before you eventually have to go back to store again with the voucher to get your bike?


Active Member
East Devon
A number of forum posts suggest that the frame is designed possibly made in Italy.
Like I said before I don't think it's a problem. I just didn't know and possibly the person raising it that due to the success of the triban 3 they've moved frame manufacturing processes to Romania in order to keep up with demand? I don't know if any of the above has any relevance maybe they were always made in Romania? Just seems strange that someone earlier posted he had a sticker saying made in Italy, but ours have got Romania.

I am sure the Romanian bikes are to the same standard but I thought that maybe I was buying into a bit of Italian craftsmanship by choosing the legendary one. In an ideal world I would love a hand built machine from someone like Colnago but in the interests of marital harmony one has to compromise. I must admit I only noticed the "Made in Italy" sticker on my bike this afternoon. I read this review back in December which was one of the factors that affected my decision.
Steven Huffer

December 03 13:36

I'm glad B'twin bikes are getting some long-overdue coverage now. I completed the C2C on one of their inexpensive trekking bikes and used a Sport 2 for eighteen months to get into road biking. It was faultless from start to finish. Amusingly, when I bought the Sport 2, the wrench at Decathlon told me that the frames were made by Dedacciai in Italy and rebadged, which I was rather dubious about until I saw a review for a bike with the exact same frame reviewed in a magazine, selling for £1,299 and with Dedacciai splattered all over it. The frame set was available for £799 whereas the full Sport 2 was only £499! Must have been one hell of a fork!

Deleted member 20519

Are you telling me that... I actually ride a Dedacciai?

Daniel L

New Member
If its any consolation to the ones 'made in Romania' i just checked the bottom of my seat, my sticker says 'made in Taiwan' lol... doesnt matter im happy with mine :smile:

I might change the stock stem to a shorter tho.. possibly 80mm or 90mm


Active Member
made in italy, september surrey quays here.


The manager of the Nempnet Thrubwell branch told me that apparently, the Italian ones were found to suffer from weld failures due to the sulphurs inherent in the atmosphere that are discharged from Mount Etna, so they switched production to Romania as it has a the more stable environment, whilst they upgrade the ventilation system in the Naples factory.

There might be a recall of the Italian frames at some point, so far it's been picked up at the factory but there have been a few instances of the frame coming apart at the bottom bracket. I rang head office at Surrey Quays who then checked with the Europe wide technical manager in Lille, the current advice is if you're over 90 Kilos check your frame for hair line cracks before venturing out.

He was also reported to have said 'we are reviewing the situation, in the meantime it's best Les Rosbifs cut back on the pie consumption'.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
The manager of the Nempnet Thrubwell branch told me that apparently, the Italian ones were found to suffer from weld failures due to the sulphurs inherent in the atmosphere that are discharged from Mount Etna, so they switched production to Romania due to the more stable atmosphere, whilst they upgrade the ventilation system in the Naples factory.

There might be a recall of the Italian frames at some point, so far it's been picked up at the factory but there have been a few instances of the frame coming apart at the bottom bracket. I rang head office at Surrey Quays who then checked with the Europe wide technical manager in Lille, the current advice is if you're over 90 Kilos check your frame for hair line cracks before venturing out.

He was also reported to have said we are reviewing the situation, in the meantime it's best Les Rosbifs cut back on the pie consumption.
I had heard from a reliable source that the Italian frames were made of pasta.

Louise Harley

Active Member
Received my B'twin Triban 3 last week, have yet to have a go on it, I used to bike a lot (only a mountain bike or old 3 speed) but really looking forward to getting out on the road a lot this year, for fitness and for satisfaction too! I done quite a bit of biking last year, using sports tracker as my main tracking tool. I see there are some other tracking tools that people like to use out there too, anyone else wish to share what they use?

I have never ridden a road bike before but have had a look at quite a few tutorials in the best posture etc when riding and how to get yourself set up so it will be a case of trial and error, I note that comfort is the main thing.

I’m leaving everything at stock (as purchased) at the minute and too see how I get on, my Dad has also purchased the bike so we will be riding together quite a lot of the time.

I may change the seat, need to see how comfortable it is, but I will get some padded cycling shorts too, oh and a hat!

Where did you find the tutorials please?
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