Triban 3 Owners Club

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Active Member
East Devon

It sold for £243 after 36 bids which must have pleased the vendor. It looks like the "legendary" is out of stock now. I am glad I got mine when I did. Will membership of this exclusive club be restricted to us lucky souls who acquired the roseate version of the T3 or will those with subsequent and probably inferior versions be allowed in?
Satnav, did you ever manage to get your bottom bracket undone?
long story, it is in here somewhere, but basically, no. I rang the store asked for help, was asked if it had had 6 mnth safety check, said no, was told that was a problem, pointed out only 5 months old, told to bring bike to them, mechanic failed to remove BB without breaking it, upgraded new BB fitted. (that's the short version - various other new parts under warranty as well...)


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
long story, it is in here somewhere, but basically, no. I rang the store asked for help, was asked if it had had 6 mnth safety check, said no, was told that was a problem, pointed out only 5 months old, told to bring bike to them, mechanic failed to remove BB without breaking it, upgraded new BB fitted. (that's the short version - various other new parts under warranty as well...)
Took mine out OK found it was a sealed unit and put it back in using Copper Slip on the threads, so should come out when the time come to replace it. Having spent many years working on ships where corrosion is a major problem I have got used to putting copper slip on nearly everything!

Daniel L

New Member
I am now a proud owner of this bike.. i do have a slight issue... i want to shift my seat slightly forward however the 'nut' seems to be superglued on, i cant make it budge... what tools do you guys use?


Active Member
South West
A lot of people turn their nose up at a kickstand on a road bike for some reason!


The reason is simple and nothing to do with snobbery (IMO) ... it's a road bike.

Why have drops on it, why a light(ish) frame, why the geometry, why the gearing, why the skinny tires, why the carbon forks, why the saddle, why the minimal brakes?

If you wanted a city bike, hybrid or tourer etc. then why didn't you buy one? :wacko:


I'm waiting for the day i go on a ride and some carbon wanabe says something about my Triban ........ As i scalp and drop him :-)
As I'm sure we all went out yesterday as it was such a great day. Well it was here in the west though cold to start off with by the ime I'd done a mile and a half I was bathed in sweat Did a little round trip of 18 miles then back for the old Bacon and egg sarnie then just another 15 in the afternoon, though am still amazed at what speed I can get up to on the T3 But I still had the hardened young bokes whizzing past me at really fast rate of knots.
I've just got to alter my saddle is it as got a bit of neck ache this morning and a sore sit down area (padded bib perhaps would sort that out or is that the saddle too.
Anyway it was a real buzz.
As I'm sure we all went out yesterday as it was such a great day. Well it was here in the west though cold to start off with by the ime I'd done a mile and a half I was bathed in sweat Did a little round trip of 18 miles then back for the old Bacon and egg sarnie then just another 15 in the afternoon, though am still amazed at what speed I can get up to on the T3 But I still had the hardened young bokes whizzing past me at really fast rate of knots.
I've just got to alter my saddle is it as got a bit of neck ache this morning and a sore sit down area (padded bib perhaps would sort that out or is that the saddle too.
Anyway it was a real buzz.
Glad you had a good ride. Sadly I was at work all day yesterday so didn't get a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather.
My rides for the next few weeks are probably going to be limited to just the commute as I am moving house.
Might try and get out this afternoon if I get a few jobs done this morning, but I'm also waiting on an electrician and window cleaner today and as I'm getting "mates rates" from both they haven't given me a time so are just going to pop round when they have a gap in there schedules
I brought some cheap padded shorts from Decathlon with the voucher i got after purchasing my T3 and they do make a big difference to comfort.
I've just been looking else where in the forum and using the search bar To find that perhaps this is a good site here for some setting up advice It seems that as I've a bit of a numb bum, plus the neck ache and thinking about it, having to scoot back on the saddle I might have some stem height and saddle issues . I have been looking at the bibs on the net and its another minefield
though think I will go for a pair of short bibs for the warmer weather and the long ones for now (Thought There are sniggers coming from the OH and youngest son). Pity you wer'nt able to get out on the bike but I'm sure you will make up for it soon It's a pain having to do all the DIY stuff but when its done you will have more time to get stuck in on your bike
I am now a proud owner of this bike.. i do have a slight issue... i want to shift my seat slightly forward however the 'nut' seems to be superglued on, i cant make it budge... what tools do you guys use?
Hi Daniel L
congrats & welcome. I ues an allen key on mine which is part of a multi-tool set that makes a long handle to give extra leverage. If that fails you have a number of options. add a something circular over the end of the allen key to give extra leverage and act as a longer handle (think metal pipe concept), tap the allen key with what is known in this family as a the gentle persuasion tool, take it back to the shop and let them break it if it is going to break.
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