Triban 3 Owners Club

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Louise Harley

Active Member
I also found the riding strange at first, however after three wobbly laps round the Decathlon car-park I had to ride it home including going through the centre of Stockport. Quiet lanes would be a better start! I have found that it soon gets easier.Keep at it.

Thanks I think I just need to gain confidence in the positioning and gears before doing too many roads. Did take it out on road on Sunday and by the end of it felt a little better on it. Just need to sort out hand position that is best etc
Thanks again for the support

Louise Harley

Active Member
I thought my brake blocks on the T3 were rubbish at first but I have got use to them. I thought perhaps I had to break them in if you’ll excuse the pun I did wonder what those bits of rubber type thingy were when I first had it but realised it was for people with shorter fingers perhaps.

Its good to know it isn't just me, at the moment I feel as if I am running to stop if you know what I mean lol!


The manager of the Nempnet Thrubwell branch told me that apparently, the Italian ones were found to suffer from weld failures due to the sulphurs inherent in the atmosphere that are discharged from Mount Etna, so they switched production to Romania due to the more stable environment, whilst they upgrade the ventilation system in the Naples factory.

There might be a recall of the Italian frames at some point, so far it's been picked up at the factory but there have been a few instances of the frame coming apart at the bottom bracket. I rang head office at Surrey Quays who then checked with the Europe wide technical manager in Lille, the current advice is if you're over 90 Kilos check your frame for hair line cracks before venturing out.

He was also reported to have said we are reviewing the situation, in the meantime it's best Les Rosbifs cut back on the pie consumption.

Many thanks for that Radchenister, it is appreciated :smile:

Any Welders/Engineers on here clarify the sulphur effect on alloy welding ?


Active Member
East Devon
The manager of the Nempnet Thrubwell branch told me that apparently, the Italian ones were found to suffer from weld failures due to the sulphurs inherent in the atmosphere that are discharged from Mount Etna, so they switched production to Romania due to the more stable environment, whilst they upgrade the ventilation system in the Naples factory.

There might be a recall of the Italian frames at some point, so far it's been picked up at the factory but there have been a few instances of the frame coming apart at the bottom bracket. I rang head office at Surrey Quays who then checked with the Europe wide technical manager in Lille, the current advice is if you're over 90 Kilos check your frame for hair line cracks before venturing out.

He was also reported to have said we are reviewing the situation, in the meantime it's best Les Rosbifs cut back on the pie consumption.

I think its probably Vesuvius not Etna that's causing the problem here. I am relieved that I am only 70 kilos so I should get away with it.

My Fulcrum 7s just arrived. Perhaps I should have gone for Campags instead to complete the Italian provence

Ben Bird

New Member
Thanks for that Radchenister, we do appreciate your input but a bit of light hearted humour is good too :smile: like I said before I don't mind where it's made as long as it lasts.

I'm 5ft10 and 32" leg and opted for 57cm frame. Should be fine. Some people have commented that the 54cm was a bit cramped. I'll see how it goes :smile:


Phred, Campags would be better, Fuctums are just naff - too expensive to be a bargain and no better than the Shimano options, they're just bought by uninitiated anorexics.

... and I think it is Etna, as it's still active but I could be wrong.

Ben, you've got to be kidding budd' my mate is 5'11'' and he's shortened his stem on the 54 - he has gone for a Sir Brad posture mind you.


Ben, when did what it feels like have anything to do with it? ... and lay off the puddings, as the man from Decathlon said ;) .


Ben, I see from your posts on another forum that you are serious about the bike fit issue; I thought you were joking, as it has come up many times before, apologies for that ... so a serious answer:

From what people have said on here and my own experience (being exactly the same height as you but probably a bit older and less fit at age 44) ... you are likely borderline between the two sizes and it is definitely down to what feels right for you - defining what that is will be difficult though and we all probably have individual issues that change over time (both short and long term).

There is definitely a settling in and acclimatisation factor. I am still two minded if I want to shorten the stem or not but am sticking with it for now. I am adamant the 54 is right for me otherwise though. There has been one instance I know of on here where someone has switched their 57 for a 54 (you can read back through the posts and find this I think). This decision only transpired after a good long ride if I recall correctly.

I think generally people are shortening the stem for comfort reasons but it may not be an essential item to begin with or if you do fast(ish - ahem) sessions for fitness like I do - I am doing fairly short rides at 15 - 20 miles but will extend the range as the weather betters and suspect I will alter a few things as the distances push out; probably gearing, saddle and stem in the first instance.
been trying to sort out front derialier today. after five mins iv made it worse and now been stuck for an hour or two, get to a point when its half decent but wont s*** down to 2nd ring and skips straight to the tiny ring. might take it to LBS and get some bartape fitted as im their.

also any one ever had to sort a courier out for wheels? i have no idea where to start
Hi Tom I had the exact same problem And have found that mostley by trial and error I've got it more or less right by folling a guild here Hope this helps as It did for me though I admit I had to print it off and do it in stages, well just made it easier than keep running indoors to look at the pc screen

Ben Bird

New Member
Ben, I see from your posts on another forum that you are serious about the bike fit issue; I thought you were joking, as it has come up many times before, apologies for that ... so a serious answer:

From what people have said on here and my own experience (being exactly the same height as you but probably a bit older and less fit at age 44) ... you are likely borderline between the two sizes and it is definitely down to what feels right for you - defining what that is will be difficult though and we all probably have individual issues that change over time (both short and long term).

There is definitely a settling in a and acclimatisation factor. I am still two minded if I want to shorten the stem or not but am sticking with it for now. I am adamant the 54 is right for me otherwise though. There has been one instance I know of on here where someone has switched their 57 for a 54 (you can read back through the posts and find this I think). This decision only transpired after a good long ride if I recall correctly.

I think generally people are shortening the stem for comfort reasons but it may not be an essential item to begin with or if you do fast(ish - ahem) sessions for fitness like I do - I am doing fairly short rides at 15 - 20 miles but will extend the range as the weather betters and suspect I will alter a few things as the distances push out; probably gearing, saddle and stem in the first instance.

Thanks for your help Radchenister, I'm new to road biking and won't know much different on the feel between the sizes. I did read about the variances on the Triban 3 and how it's fit is very specific to an individual rider, taking not only into account their stats, but also the style of riding. As I haven't adopted a style of riding I am hoping that I will be able to mold nicely to the bike so it feels right. Only time will tell.

Do you normally ride on the drops, or use the hoods? I have been biking around 10-20 miles on the mountain bike last year so hoping to increase on that, although I haven't done any biking now for about 8 months, things will change when it starts warming up.
Thanks for your help Radchenister, I'm new to road biking and won't know much different on the feel between the sizes. I did read about the variances on the Triban 3 and how it's fit is very specific to an individual rider, taking not only into account their stats, but also the style of riding. As I haven't adopted a style of riding I am hoping that I will be able to mold nicely to the bike so it feels right. Only time will tell.

Do you normally ride on the drops, or use the hoods? I have been biking around 10-20 miles on the mountain bike last year so hoping to increase on that, although I haven't done any biking now for about 8 months, things will change when it starts warming up.

I pretty much live on the hoods, only occasionally going to the drops. still getting the hang of standing up & cycling up hills!
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