Triban 3 Owners Club

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I could look it up later, on phone at mo' - it did have some changes but they were not my cup of tea. What it did do, was convince me to buy a new one, as the price difference I've probably already saved since (with reduced wine consumption). The several weeks of health and well being improvements through winter have been great and well worth the extra spend, rather than waiting until spring (my original game plan).

Not in any rush to sell mine, in fact I might not ever - I can imagine a path for the next year or so.
I have ridden mine on average 2 times a week since 20.12.12 - my average speed has gone up about 10% - 20%, weight is dropping and distances stretching out - the progress will continue with better weather but will most likely plateau in the summer, when I will get new wheels and turn the thumb screws on myself with a proper training regime, rather than just a loose fit one in when possible game plan to my rides ... then it'll be winter and the challenge will be to maintain fitness until spring ... in 2014 I might consider an upgrade if I've earned it, at which time it may become the spare bike ;) .


Active Member
East Devon
I know that our bikes are the most beautiful in the world but take a look at this classic


My personal take, is if you are even a kilo over weight then you may as well lose the weight before buying; if you're Lance Armstrong, stop buying EPO and buy the wheels instead.

... but seriously, they're a nice addition and if you must spend some money, then why not!? :smile:


Not really my territory (yet) - best ask the lads (and lasses) who've already made the move. Many end up buying from Ribble as far as I can remember. I think if you're really light then your choice is going to be different to someone like me - I expect myself to be down to 14 1/2 Stone before I buy and that means I still need to make sure they're not too fragile :smile: !
I'm underweight if anything haha...

Any recommendations for a set under £120?
Ribble have a Shimano sale on at the moment. Looks like there are some good deals to be had.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
To all who are interested the Clarks brake pads work a treat. Seem a lot more responsive than the standard ones. Look cool too.
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