Pffft - yer on a £300 starter bike

, not fettling Froome's set up for potential world domination - is this a geek contest or summat

If I should just happen to want to change my wheels at some future date...(although clearly this would be a laughable thing to do to a starter bike)........then surely you would 'allow' me to change to a new cassette at the same time? saves faffing around changing them over and gives me a 'spare' (old) set with a cassette already fitted.
The sram 850 cassette is reputed to be a good budget choice for a £300 starter bike.
It comes with the option of a significantly larger low gear cog.
Far from geeky fettling, my question seems perfectly ok....the difference between 25 and 28 teeth would give me a noticeably'easier gear' with which to pant up the last few yards of Dartmoors hills so why not? Or I could just ride the nuts off the thing and wait until it or I wear out............or I could stick 'Hello Kitty' stickers all over it? Frankly.....I rather enjoy fettling stuff and getting the most out it.
I merely inquired about whether the standard rear deraiileur could take a gear this large and whether I would need a couple of extra chain links.
If you think this is geekiness then I'm sorry!
I'll try not to ask questions relating to Triban 3's in future.