Triban 3 Owners Club

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also available in orange
Yes that's true. I could maybe combine it with a business trip to Coventry but it's just a bit awkward with having a bike in the car! It depends if it can fit into my schedule I guess. Mind you, my local LBS charges a fortune and the next nearest one is probably half an hours drive away and Coventry is about 50 mins. It's more in petrol but it's the time that's more important to me really.

Ah that answers my question about the cassette. :smile: Which one did you buy? I think I would definitely prefer to buy one rather than taking the existing one off!

I can imagine having a bike in the back of the car might not project the image you're after ;). It might be worth giving your LBS a call and asking him what he might charge.

WRT the cassette

So it seems like this is the only 8 speed Shimano cassette they do, it's the only one I could find on chain reaction or wiggle anyway:

Shame it's 380g!

That one :smile:, you'll need a cassette removal tool too.



Senior Member
I can imagine having a bike in the back of the car might not project the image you're after ;). It might be worth giving your LBS a call and asking him what he might charge.

WRT the cassette

That one :smile:, you'll need a cassette removal tool too.


No definitely not the image! :laugh: There may be a way around it though. I'll see what my schedule is for next week before I decide what to do.

Shame there isn't a lighter cassette but oh well, at least it's cheap! Would something like this work for putting the cassette onto the new wheel?
Well I took the plunge yesterday and ordered one online as I've deliberated enough , Plus they where out of stock for about 2 weeks (must be all of you buying them up!) I've already got a new pair of pedals (Shimarno 520 double sided SPD's) for it as don't like the look of the standard ones supplied, they tell me about ten days and by that time I'm sure we will be back to having rain and gales again; I can't wait.
I note what on the drops says about the catching the toe clips on a mudflap of the SKS gards though saw on another forum that somebody had posted about not being able to fit mudgards on it a not enough clearance under the forks?
I got some Shimarno SPD 530's for other bike and seem ok at the moment on them just one little second when I forgot I was cliped in I
I notice to the post about the wheel bearings this is definatly worth checking over just for the sake of the cost of two spanners?
Regards to all Antnee




Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Well despite an in your facesterly wind. I took the Tribble out, and wow what a difference. Night and day. Furthest I've been, loads of pb's .
Last night I was grinning like a Cheshire Cat, now it's just the SMILE. Ear to ear. Not sure my legs agree though. If anybody is in two minds about a triban 3 don't be, get one now before they're gone.
Well done, like the rest of us I'm sure you will enjoy your T3 best value item I've bought in years!!^_^


Why it's only a bit of red bike art darling ;) .

Working up to going out here, lovely day, bit chilly ... out at 2pm, going to cross the Severn Bridge and back - may take some pics!!!

Where has everyone else been ( / going to be) riding today?


Reindexed the gears and regreased the front hub yesterday. Both things seemed to have worked well with noticeable improvements. As a noob doing the gears was especially helpful as I now understand how to use the front and back gears to avoid diagonal chains. It made a big difference. Still enjoying tearing about at speed. 26 miles today: feel like a teenager (53). Cheer Richard.
Little change of subject:

Seat Post Maintenance
Been waxing, lubing and tweaking tonight (no smart comments please :girl: ); if you aren't using mudguards then watch the amount of grit that sneaks in through the slot on the seat tube (just under the seat post clamp). I have been wondering about my seat height again (more on this later) so took the opportunity to take out the seat and post and clean it up ready for a refit; not nice, could feel the grit on exit, there was fine brown sediment left in the tube and around the clamp. All cleaned out and greased up now to stop further gunk getting in ... an easy bit of fettling that's best done sooner rather than later.
Thanks for that, being a bit lazy I just put some black insulating tape over the opening for now.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Why it's only a bit of red bike art darling ;) .

Working up to going out here, lovely day, bit chilly ... out at 2pm, going to cross the Severn Bridge and back - may take some pics!!!

Where has everyone else been ( / going to be) riding today?
Went out earlier started off in town (camberley) then worked down A30 to hook all in the country nice when the sun came out, bit blowy though. Watch out for the winds on that Severn bridge.
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