Triban 3 Owners Club

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Just a quick question, if your not all out on your bikes today I would like to know if I fit this cassette 11-32 or the 11-30 one
I think that perhaps I would need to change the deraileuer that has a longer cage( this is the space between the two jockey wheels I think) as the default cage on the T3 is a short one

So I wonder if there is perhaps a deraileuer that can handle this I know there is a formula to find out what your exsisting deraileuer can accomadate by minusing the large chain ring teeth from the small chainwheel then adding the largest number on the cassette then minusing the number by taking away the smallest on the cassette and the number your left with is what your deraileuer can deal with. So at tne moment my set up is 50-30= 20 + the largest on the cassette 28= 48 minus the smallest on the cassette 11 which = 37 Have I got this piece of information correct as my maths is as bad as my spelling.
regards all Antnee


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
11-32 on a triple is pretty extreme. Those of us have changed have gone 11-28.

Anything above a 28 and you'd need to change derailler. I even changed mine for the 28.

A 32 you'd most likely need a mountain bike derailler.
Thanks Dave. Thats what I thought and I really didn't want to go to the extra trouble of changing just for changes sake plus wouldn't a MB one be heavier too!
Though I am becoming fed up with getting off the bike on some of the Mendip (dare I call them hills) slopes some I can manage but some are just too steep Though your manor is not without its hlls I know.
Hi Sat Nav I fitted a 11-28 on mine too some weeks ago but still struggle on some of the hills perhaps I'm expecting too much at my level of cycling and age too.
Regards Antnee
yep - some of the cheshire country lanes around here are rather like that as well. I am over towards chester and anyhow who tells you that chehsire is flat is very much mistaken. I did 'manage' some serious scottish gradients on the 12-25 stock (mine was 12-25 for some reason not 12-26) back at Easter, like +15% and 1 that as 20% but I had to stand in the pedals and was apparently making some really intersting noises towards the final summit... thankfully only my OH was around to hear those but that was what convinced me to go 11-28 and just get that extra gear and it is easier now, but it takes time to get better at hills. just take them at your own speed and keep trying - it is all that counts in the end.


Baldy Go
Hi antnee,

I have fitted an 11-28 cassette (tried both the Shimano AND the SRAM!) and can confirm that the stock 2300 d/r can only just cope, even if you set it up very scrupulously.
You will find you have to screw the 'B' tension screw in a fair way to get the 28t to clear the top jockey wheel and may notice that the jockey wheel spindle bolt end also ends up alarmingly close to the spokes! (Depending partly, I think, on which wheels you use)
I managed to finely adjust the limit screw so that there was no possibility of overshifting into the spokes but can't say I felt terribly comfortable with it.

In the end, I fitted a new 'Claris' rear mech and the problems disappeared.:hyper:

Bags of adjustment now - and further away from the spokes. Claims to be able to handle up to 32t + Triple too (medium cage) but I don't think I'll be testing it that far. :blush:


Baldy Go
Hi Sat Nav I fitted a 11-28 on mine too some weeks ago but still struggle on some of the hills perhaps I'm expecting too much at my level of cycling and age too.
Regards Antnee

You and me both, antnee.

I live on the edge of Dartmoor and every direction is up! Very up!!

I don't seem to have improved as rapidly as I hoped after covering a thousand miles in the last year since I first embraced road-biking.....until just TODAY when I realised the hills where still hard-but not QUITE as hard as they where when I started.
Sat Nav is right, I'm pretty sure. Ride often and at a pace that suits (maybe push yourself a bit now and then) and perhaps the improvements creep up on you?

I felt good on my ride today when I realised this.

Seconds later, I was overtaken by a teenage girl riding a cast-iron Barbie-Girl bike in flip-flops.




Über Member
Stockport, UK
Recently bought myself a nice new bike for racing with. My Triban has been officially relegated to winter bike /commuter now. Still fond of it though. It's still in good shape after 15000 miles or so :-)

Replaced the chain / cassette today and got some new hand built wheels for it. Lovely!

Well Widge. Thats happened to me so I know what it feels like though it wasn't on a hill, I consoled myself with the thought that I had done probably that day far more miles than them as I was upwards of 85 miles of my one and only go at cracking the 100 mile in one day barrier.
As for your comment about hills I think your right as some I just couldn't tackle earlier this year I do manage to ride up now so as you say I must be getting a bit better at it. Perhaps the barrier is partly in your head plus the fact that most hills look worse from the bottom!
Regards Antnee
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