The white one isn't that special, the new
Halfords TDF was on offer at under £300 is arguably a better bet. What needs replacing on your one, still probably cheaper to repair, surely?
Yeah, I'd heard that, too. Just wanted to make sure.
Well...the bike was given to me a few years ago and it had never been serviced properly. When I got it I serviced it as best I could without spending much on it (regreased bearings/headset and the usual bits and bobs, new cables and outers, brake blocks etc) and just got on and used it. I haven't used it for a good while as I have another bike, but want to use the TDF as a commuter as I've started a new job. Upon inspection, I noticed that the cassette, chainrings and chain need replacing (way overdue) and I'll need to buy a crank puller to service the bottom bracket. Also, there is some rust/corrosion on the fork at the crown race. I've cleaned it up best I could, but I'm not sure if it's just surface rust or worse, so, MAY need a new fork, too. All this adds up to a lot of money where as I could spend a little more and get a new complete bike.
Apologies for the lengthy reply