Triban 3 Owners Club

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Billy Adam

Senior Member
not those [insert word here] baby wipes please. such an environmental waste!
anyhow with the state of the roads around here (and down where you are - I used to live between Elstead & Milford) you would need to get off and clean it every mile - which would defeat the point of having a bike. It would be quicker to walk!
The Farnham to Elstead road is terrible for potholes at the mo really dodgy even in a car.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
I have got weary of looking for alternatives. The Merlin deal seems a real bargain so I have just ordered. Upgrading has got to stop now.
That's what I've been told too. Anybody know where I can get some tiagra shifters....... :smile:
The Farnham to Elstead road is terrible for potholes at the mo really dodgy even in a car.
can't be any worse than the MOD track we used to live up! but hated that road. actually gave up cycling to work for a while because of that road... in the end I changed to cycling to work across the MOD training area, coming out at the 'new' junction bridge on the A3 at Thursley to hit the single track country lanes on the other side. added 50% to my journey but it was so much more enjoyable... not to mention muddy. tested my mtb skills out something chronic in the winter mind you... and there was this one summer's evening when the police had the road in Milford closed because of yet another accident just down from the Esso garage... anyhow they would not let me through, so had to cross country it despite the fact I knew there was a fast approaching thunderstorm... just as I was cycling under the high voltage power cables on the exposed section of the common... a tree less than 100m from me was hit by lightning... scared the daylights out of me!


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Going out tomorrow to practice pedaling one legged! Just fitted clip-ins and found clipping out no problem but clipping in when moving off on a hill not so easy, need to pick up more speed before clipping in the second foot.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Hi Billy,

The Sora chainset and BBs have arrived from Merlin. I read elsewhere that people have been fitting different spacers. Did you fit the new stuff exactly as it comes with the spacers fitted or did you have to modify anything?
I've actually ordered some new spacers as the original ones are to big and put the chain out of alignment. If you have a look at cbrdeanos post on the t3 forum in the adjusting front derailuer thread he's posted some links as where to get them. He's used 2x3 mm and 1x2.5mm and that sorts out the alignment probs.


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Note to self...having unclipped DON'T leave your foot on top of the pedal, as guess what it clips back in resulting in a graceful slide sideways, fortunately the road broke my fall!!!!!


Fitted the Taliban with Wellgo B-144 pedals today; red of course. They are pretty classy pedals compared to the ones the bike came with and will be great for the bike-mountaineering that I hope to do. Getting the stock pedals off was incredibly hard...
Can't remember who else was using the Fulcrum Racing 7 wheels... but a quick question - mine have turned up today and the spacer that comes with it says 9 or 10 speed, mentions nothing about 8 speed. I have the SRAM PG850 cassette, which needs a spacer otherwise it is loose. do I use that spacer or do I need to purchase a different one? thanks


Active Member
Note to self...having unclipped DON'T leave your foot on top of the pedal, as guess what it clips back in resulting in a graceful slide sideways, fortunately the road broke my fall!!!!!

You're braver than me, got the shoes, I am tempted to get the pedals, but I keep having the odd emergency stop which puts me off! Maybe soon!
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