Triban 3 Owners Club

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Hi. I'm not a current owner, but I'm waiting for one to be delivered. I've been humming and harring about buying one for a while, but it's only been since I've got a health kick going again this year that I've felt I might actually use it. I thought I'd missed too out as I wanted a 63cm model (not sure I've got that right after much reading, but I had a 25" Raleigh Ace as a teenager so we'll see) as they were showing the 3A, but some showed in stock last weekend so finally went for it. I'm 6'3", 18st 6lbs (at the moment, but losing it steadily)

Some good tips on here to check and improve on, and looking forward to trying out cycling to work for the first time in many many many years. :-)
Only real question at the moment is how long do Decathlon usually take to delivery these? Been 5 days now and it's still in preparation.


Thinking about changing the stem on my triban 5a, mine currently has a 110mm one but was wanting a 90mm but when i phoned decathlon they said it would just be a standard stem and not the nice blue (ish) one on the bike at the moment, is this normal?


Active Member
East Devon

Is this one blue enough? Available from W__gle and other suppliers.


Its not that i wanted it blue its just its marked like the rest of the bike but suppose its not something you notice and the garmin covers most of it anyway :laugh:


Well, if you know what I'm on about ^_^:tongue: :whistle: - it's not the first time on this thread by the way but here it is again.

I'm not having a dig though, just a bit of an in joke, as I think BA has followed the white detailing to it's logical conclusion and it looks great - anyone who follows his mileage knows he's earned those wheels (Happy Birthday BA).


Billy Adam

Senior Member
Well, if you know what I'm on about ^_^:tongue: :whistle: - it's not the first time on this thread by the way but here it is again.

I'm not having a dig though, just a bit of an in joke, as I think BA has followed the white detailing to it's logical conclusion and it looks great - anyone who follows his mileage knows he's earned those wheels (Happy Birthday BA).


Cheers Rad. I'm well pleased with how it's turned out. Just some fine tuning now. :smile:


Über Member
I found out what my earlier issue was when I took it to Decathlon. Apparently my freehub had seized up and died, and they needed to rebuild it. They seemed to keep telling me they'd get around to it and then never got around to it, which would be pretty terrible customer service - if they hadn't just gone and given me a whole new back wheel for free when I asked them about it a week later.

Got my SPD pedals and shoes installed, too (despite an LBS overtightening my old ones).
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