Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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The Borough
Just speculating like everyone else thom :smile:

What are the options? Open the doors to all who wish to have a look, or control what information you give out by relying on a group of journos(who will fault find and compare to Armstrong anyway) to request it specifically?

I see a bit more control over information with the latter. Not that I'm suggesting SKY are hiding anything.
To move forward in cycling does require investigative journalists to ask tough questions but it can be helped by them trying to engage and construct something more than just reduced to slinging mud.
These press conferences for Froome must feel like a form of torture - every day the riders put themselves through hell on a bike and then they are sat in front of the glare of the world's media and are offered up the same accusation of cheating and lies. It isn't very imaginative is it ? I actually think the UCI have a role here to step in and mediate in a sense - cycling's image continues to suffer while very valid questions are asked that as yet the sport has not found a way to address. Brailsford seems to be giving more leadership than the UCI...


Yeah, good call, any Vacansoleil rider will be looking to draw attention to themselves.

You realize we've put the kiss of death on all of them now though.

I've been waiting for Vanmarcke and Hansen to have a go. Scanning the week to come, I reckon today's their last reasonable chance...


Hello there
How do you know ? That is just pure prejudice - you have no idea how Sky will behave. Can you think of one thing that they offered in the past that they did not follow through on ?

I remember a couple of years ago now Brailsford said he would invite anyone interested to a presentation evening in Manchester to explain all their methods, show that they were doing it clean etc etc. Still waiting. He is in an impossible position though,


If Sky go completely transparent, are they not showing everyone (including their competitors) how they do it? As in what small things they tweak to give those 1% uplifts etc?

I know this sounds possibly simple but come on, would any top level sports team show their competition everything?????


The Borough
I remember a couple of years ago now Brailsford said he would invite anyone interested to a presentation evening in Manchester to explain all their methods, show that they were doing it clean etc etc. Still waiting. He is in an impossible position though,
I think the press have been to Manchester - perhaps not as a one of event but many have been individually and not just once.


And back on the race :smile:, have I seen it correctly that there are two of DIrty Bertie's team mates in the breakaway and one more trying to join them? Have we not seen this before???? :sad:
I remember a couple of years ago now Brailsford said he would invite anyone interested to a presentation evening in Manchester to explain all their methods, show that they were doing it clean etc etc. Still waiting. He is in an impossible position though,

I think Brailsford has realized he's not going to convince all the sceptics, coupled with not wanting to give away too much about their training methods or get involved with half-ass committments which carry no real weight etc...

He's right. You will never convince people who leave comments in comments sections. Come the revolution, comment leavers will be third against the wall after bankers and politicians. :whistle:


Can't prove a negative can you.

The only way is an independent arbiter given 24/7 unrestricted access to the riders and training camps in the year between the end of one tour and the start of another.

Or Froome wears a camera on his head like Gaz for 1 year.


Hello there
And even if WADA saw everything and called no foul play, you wouldn't stop the people claiming use of undetectable wonder drugs.

I think because I believe Wiggins is clean, I have to extend that to all of Sky, but it is hard to know what to believe when the field is still riddled with convicted dopers.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Got be a breakaway today hasn't it? Short enough and difficult enough to stay away but not hard enough to attract the GC'ers.

Was it not the descent into Gap where we had chaingate with Contador and Schleck all those micro-years ago?
No, that was Port de Bales in the Pyrenees!
I believe this was where Armstrong did the cyclocross to avoid the prostrate Belkin.
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