Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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If Sky go completely transparent, are they not showing everyone (including their competitors) how they do it? As in what small things they tweak to give those 1% uplifts etc?

I know this sounds possibly simple but come on, would any top level sports team show their competition everything?????

I read a description of some of the stuff that they did for the track cycling minimal gains, there was stuff like cleaning the tyres on the start line to avoid traction loss from dust gathered wheeling the bike to the line, insulated thigh straps to maintain muscle heat between getting off the warmup bikes and getting on to the track bike.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Cofidis are having a bit of a stinker of a Tour. They seem to have been completely anonymous so far. Navarro in 20th is their highest placed rider, 23m 36s behind Froome. Next best is Molard in 74th, 1h 28m off the pace.

In other news, I have an interesting and unusual fact to inform you lot about that may well have escaped your attention.
Cofidis and Lampre are both in this years race. I bet none of you had noticed that - no need to thank me for my tireless, dogged research on your behalf.

This just came up on the news ticker on the official TdF website:

Cannondale second in the prize money haul after 15 stages
The next-best team [after OPQS] in the prize money allotment thus far on Tour is Cannondale which has won a stage (Peter Sagan, in Albi) and had its leader in the green jersey since the end of stage two. It has 41,440 euros, then comes Sky with 40,950, Movistar with 38,000, Orica-GreenEdge with 36,410, Vacansoleil with 35,080...
Cofidis remains the team with the least amount of prize money, just 4,530 euros.

It's going to be a meagre Christmas for the offspring of Cofidis riders this year.

The Couch

Über Member
By the way... if the peloton continues this pace Navarro (COFIDIS :eek:) could easily end up in the GC top 15 :smile:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Another interesting fact to liven up this stage...
the sadly uncelebrated Lanterne Rouge at present is
Dmitriy Muravyev (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 'leading' by over a minute
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