Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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LTD absolutely blasted pretty much all of my KOMs during one stage of the Tour de Suisse...I deleted my Strava account in a fit of petulance afterwards and have since haboured a totally misplaced grudge against him!
You could start a "get Quintana on Strava" campaign in an effort to get him back! :evil:
Shame to go out on an injury but he was planning this as his last season wasn't he. I did briefly think he might do a Vinokourov and come back for one more.
Forget that: I'm not quite sure who I was thinking of there but it isn't Pinot...... Goes off to Google....


Hello there
As opposed to multiple gt podiums?

At least he had the decency to go backwards in the TT. No one really knows, but it's fair to say that Froome has had a meteoric rise from obscurity since the Vuelta in 2011. Maybe his improvement has been double weighted by a cleaned up peloton and Sky's approach to training. I wonder how long it will take the sport to move out of the shadow of the murky past.


The Borough
LTD absolutely blasted pretty much all of my KOMs during one stage of the Tour de Suisse...I deleted my Strava account in a fit of petulance afterwards and have since haboured a totally misplaced grudge against him!
That is just rude - the race organisers obviously ought to have shown you the merest modicum of respect and neutralised racing on those bits


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Shame to go out on an injury but he was planning this as his last season wasn't he. I did briefly think he might do a Vinokourov and come back for one more.

Not sure who you're thinking of*, but I was referring to the 23-year-old rising star of French cycling Thibaut Pinot...

According to this report, he's going to take the rest day to consider it - "we'll see on Tuesday but it's hardly worth carrying on just to finish in the grupetto every day" - but the rumour on Twitter is that he has definitely abandoned**:

*Jerome Pineau, perhaps? He's still in the race, afaik.

**Maybe I should have used the word "abandoned" initially, rather than "retired"
yeah, see up ^

brain fade today. I think I may well have been thinking of several people and several stories which I managed to compress into one wrong rider, Sandy Casar being the main one but I can't think where I got the retirement bit from...never mind.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I just read in L'Equipe that Brailsford has said he's in favour of sharing all of their riders' data with a suitable organisation (i.e. WADA). ''We'd give all our information - power data, blood values, body weight and full training details. This data would be analysed using the same methods and we would have confidence in these experts. They would be able to say whether we're believable.''*

*back translation - I haven't seen the English version, if there is one. The article refers to him saying this on Monday, I assume that refers to this morning. If it was last week and it's already been mentioned elsewhere, my apologies.

EDIT: it's just been covered in English here
Quintana is also about 10kg lighter than Froome, fwiw (or 14kg lighter, depending on your sources).
Exactly, and this is important. If he puts out the same power as Froome over the same distance then Froome stands no chance. Even though Quintana is super light, Froome obviously has a superior watt/kg ratio over 25-30 minutes. Hence the recent claims of Sky working on CP25 (CP=critical power) with Froome.

Example: Quintana might be putting out 350w over an hour which for a pro rider is not exceptional but when put into an hours climb it becomes extraordinary purely due to his weight. If Quintana weighs 55Kg (approx.) then his watt/kg would be, with the 350w assumption, over 6w/kg. In summary he would be hitting the magic numbers just because he is super light, not doping.

All of the above are assumptions to illustrate a viewpoint.


Exactly, and this is important. If he puts out the same power as Froome over the same distance then Froome stands no chance. Even though Quintana is super light, Froome obviously has a superior watt/kg ratio over 25-30 minutes. Hence the recent claims of Sky working on CP25 (CP=critical power) with Froome.

Example: Quintana might be putting out 350w over an hour which for a pro rider is not exceptional but when put into an hours climb it becomes extraordinary purely due to his weight. If Quintana weighs 55Kg (approx.) then his watt/kg would be, with the 350w assumption, over 6w/kg. In summary he would be hitting the magic numbers just because he is super light, not doping.

All of the above are assumptions to illustrate a viewpoint.

If that was the case then his TT wouldn't be so woeful. You're right about the power/weight ratio, though it is somewhat stating the obvious. But the lighter you are, the lower FTP that you can reasonably expect, which is also stating the obvious.

Either way none of this speculation tells us ANYTHING at all about either Quintana or Froome taking PEDs.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I think I may well have been thinking of several people and several stories which I managed to compress into one wrong rider, Sandy Casar being the main one but I can't think where I got the retirement bit from...never mind.

Hey, I got Kreuziger and Fuglsang mixed up yesterday, so I'm certainly not going to take you to task for that one. ^_^


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Has taaraamasalata retired yet? He might as well have for all the good he's done me.

He finished three and a half minutes ahead of Mark Cavendish yesterday.

Cofidis are having a bit of a stinker of a Tour. They seem to have been completely anonymous so far. Navarro in 20th is their highest placed rider, 23m 36s behind Froome. Next best is Molard in 74th, 1h 28m off the pace.
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