Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
So do you think Froomestrong has the yellow covered now with such a dominant performance ;) and the support of a happy chappy who can ride tempo all day without getting tired. :rofl:
No idea but it's great fun nevertheless!


We knew Kennaugh was a real workhorse even before the Tour started, but he's unproven at this level. Well, he *was* unproven at this level... He's put several more seasoned pros to shame.

Do you think Sky might give Kennaugh a chance of top dog at a couple of races next year? A bit like what they are doing for Porte?
Do you think Sky might give Kennaugh a chance of top dog at a couple of races next year? A bit like what they are doing for Porte?
What do you mean? The rate Sky are going Froome will be out with hamstring strain, or struggling form, and Porte will be the main GC rider!! "Kennock" will be Porte's right hand man. Such is the turn around at Team Sky. ;)


I thought Porte was impressive riding hard tempo for a lot of the last climb to get Froome in a good position. Yet when Froome goes for it, does Porte drop off after giving it his all for him team leader, does he look exhausted for his effort, in pain. Nope he continues at a decent pace with a smile on his face making the climb look effortless.
Very impressive.

Look at his face in races going back years - he often looks like he is smiling when doing things like a TT. Its just what his race face / grimace looks like nothing sinister about it.
Look at his face in races going back years - he often looks like he is smiling when doing things like a TT. Its just what his race face / grimace looks like nothing sinister about it.
Also the reason they won't release power data for Froome and others. Poker face in cycling is huge and if the opponents could use their power data against them then that would be unfair. A good poker player won't let on that he has bluffed his way through a game as next time won't be so easy.


the benefits of living at higher altitude dissapear within weeks of returning to low levels. Where Froome grew up has sfa to do with it.

If you say so.


Active Member
If somebody is interested in watching how it is cycling up to Ventoux (HD quality), I suggedt to visit my video:
at 8 min I looked down from the top after cycling up 1st time, than 3 min long descending - video, then after 15 min starts the Bedoin - Ventoux climb.
That day I cycled up 4 times by my touringbike (Club des Cinglés du Mt Ventoux).
This is the Mekka of the cyclists; a real pilgrimage destination; that day I saw a lot of cyclists....
Later I ascended from malaucene and Sault too.

Best regards,


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Do you think Sky might give Kennaugh a chance of top dog at a couple of races next year? A bit like what they are doing for Porte?

They've been grooming him for it since he was 19... Maybe not next year, but within two or three years, definitely.

Amazing to think he's still so young, really - he seems to have been around forever.


Just read some utter nonsense elsewhere.... It effectively says that if anyone ever beats Pharmstrong's times, then that is proof alone that they are doping/cheating/rocket fuelled.

Does anyone remember the anniversary of Sir Roger's 4 minute mile? It was said beforehand that it was not possible.... he did it and re wrote the book! What is the current WR? It is not 3.55? :smile:

Things move on. Things improve. DB says that marginal gains were never going to compete with a quick fix of (eg) 10% through EPO but if there are 11 marginal gains????? Or just call me a simpleton?

In this modern era, what would Sir Roger be able to run the mile in????? I wonder...... and it won't be a mrgin under 4 minutes!!!! And I bet he was/would be running clean :smile:


Just had a look at the Osymetric website, and their 'compact' rings are indeed 38 teeth (though the asymmetry means they're not directly comparable with oval chainrings). I would have thought for Ventoux (if not other lumpier stages) that Sky would have fitted bigger cassettes and if needed modded derailleurs, as they did last year for Brad (he had a 36t cassette for at least one stage).
Froome did have a bigger cassette yesterday. As I already posted, he rode 38x28.
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