Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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But a raised eyebrow is neither here nor there.

Then why are you going on about it? Just let it drop eh? :smile:


Cheers crackle. A good read. :thumbsup:

THIS, I can begin to accept

it looks like Froome has developed an extraordinary CP25 (critical power over 25 mins). It’s likely impossible to improve the FT power any more, as it’s relying on the aerobic system so much, but as we reduce the critical power time, we start to see other systems come into play. Which my hunch tells me is where Sky’s sports scientists are focussing on, it’s where they have expertise, from the track.

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
I thought Porte was impressive riding hard tempo for a lot of the last climb to get Froome in a good position. Yet when Froome goes for it, does Porte drop off after giving it his all for him team leader, does he look exhausted for his effort, in pain. Nope he continues at a decent pace with a smile on his face making the climb look effortless.
Very impressive.

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
For comedy effect, hope he can stand up to the questions...

Untitled - 1.jpg


The Borough
David Lopez: what gives?
Ok, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt - an honest team worker doing the spade work on the first parts of the stages. Sky are 2+ men down and within the team guys are fitting in to whatever has to be done. The whole team has to get credit for me even though they have been shown up at times. He might not be showing on the uphill lead outs but Sky will know his numbers were good enough to keep the likes of Eisel & Knees out of the team.


The Borough
J Rod: Kicking in the final meters, hitting form for the brutal final week?
Aye - with luck he might be able to come 2nd to Froome on one the the uphill finishes later ;-)


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I thought Porte was impressive riding hard tempo for a lot of the last climb to get Froome in a good position. Yet when Froome goes for it, does Porte drop off after giving it his all for him team leader, does he look exhausted for his effort, in pain. Nope he continues at a decent pace with a smile on his face making the climb look effortless.
Very impressive.
Yep, I also thought Porte was excellent today and it may just have confirmed my suspicion that he has been hiding out limelight for a wee while. But for the not looking exhausted jersey, I nominate Quintana. You have to watch him very, very closely to see any sign of fatigue at all - a slightly tired climb out of the saddle just after he'd been dropped by Froome, a small lowering of the head on the finishing line. And that's just about it. And he's a bike rider from top to bottom, unlike Froome, who is the world's best bike fighter.


The problem with Froome and the reason that he is under suspicion for using a substance, banned or otherwise, is peoples perception of him.

If Quintana had won that stage in Froomes position, would people be casting doubt on his cleanliness?

Froome is having doubt cast on his performance because he isn't being given enough credit for his climbing. He is clearly, imo, the best climber in the cycling world and had just beaten the 2nd best climber in the cycling world.

Put in those terms, is it clear that he is doping or just the best climber by a country mile?

And both were born and lived at high altitude.


Whilst I'm not inclined to necessarily believe the words or face or body language, Froome has a comically high cadence and that gives me reason to think 'maybe'. Now before you all leap down my throat about cadence and the purported value of high cadence (not to mention it's previous adherents), Froome's cadence - and maybe gearing too, I think he was riding 38/29? or was it 39/28?? - does set him apart from other riders. So maybe MAYBE Sky have been mastering something there (plus also maybe Froome being a natural, even freakish, athlete) that other teams have not fully exploited.

I don't want to jump to an assumption of doping, and I want to believe the Sky marginal gains mantra, but I'm finding it difficult. I'm looking for something to explain just how it is that Froome can leave other riders going backwards.

Because the other riders that you're relating Froome to are ex-dopers and were never that good?
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