Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Silencing his legs regularly
Why is that when you voice doubt that you suddenly become a pariah? People start reading stuff in that you've not said. I refer you to the post I made above.

"MTFUd"?? So, what, nobody else trains either? :rolleyes:
I did say 'making them look like'. Just like you did.

Pariah? Er, no. See that legal principle again. You have your doubts, fair enough. But without evidence, that's all they are.

If someone considers Froome or AN Other is doping, it is up to them to demonstrate that. Sky may or may not release their power data at some point. They don't have to, quite right too, and they're certainly not going to help out the other teams by doing that right now. M Vayer's figures have attracted widespread scepticism, not least because he does not have access to that data. He is in effect guestimating. With the benefit of hindsight, and more importantly overwhelming evidence, LA's doping was proven. No evidence that Froome is doping, not yet. Nothing untoward in his performances. For all the much-vaunted strategy, the marginal gains, a big part of the reason Sky's performance in 2012 was so dominant was that they never had a bad day, Sitsou's retirement notwithstanding. The same could most definitely not be said of the rival teams. Cuddles looked completely worn out on more than one stage. Nibali had nothing more than the odd little nibble (pun intended). This year has clearly been much harder on Sky. Weaker performances from some of their team, crashes, retirements, others upping their game at least a bit. It was always likely to be that way. Froome's performances before the Tour at least matched Wiggo's run last year, and as with Wiggo last year, he's stayed strong when rivals haven't. Sky's methods are clearly working, at least for their team leader.


Silencing his legs regularly
Sport isn't a court of law.
Indeed not. Sports governing bodies the world over would be banged up if it were.


Senior Member
Fantastic stage again, watched it on fast forward after doing Manchester Blackpool today .... Mont Ventoux, hah, that's nowt, try Lower Lane out of Leigh, with paniers!

I'm a Brad fan, but Froome deserves all the plaudits for his true grit solo efforts this year IMO. LAst year Brad always had the entire Sky train leading him, but Froome has done it the hard way.

Question from an armchair novice.... why does the winner of the day's stage not get a different jersey, instead of just a little plaque? For a lot of riders, this would be their pinnacle of achievements?


Hello there
Sky may or may not release their power data at some point. They don't have to, quite right too, and they're certainly not going to help out the other teams by doing that right now. .

Don't hold your breath. Can't see what help it would be to other teams, now or in the future? They already know he pee'd all over them.

Agree they shouldn't have to release it though.


If someone considers Froome or AN Other is doping, it is up to them to demonstrate that.

Not so. I'm an armchair fan and I can continue to be sceptical until I decide otherwise. There's no obligation on me to demonstrate anything to anyone, even if I could. If you don't see the reason for suspicion then that's fine too.

Given all that's happened, it should surprise nobody that some people are raising eyebrows. I'm sure you can agree with that.


Silencing his legs regularly
Not so. I'm an armchair fan and I can continue to be sceptical until I decide otherwise. There's no obligation on me to demonstrate anything to anyone, even if I could. If you don't see the reason for suspicion then that's fine too.

Given all that's happened, it should surprise nobody that some people are raising eyebrows. I'm sure you can agree with that.
I'll say it again. You have your doubts. That's all they are.


The Borough
The difference a year makes :




Not so. I'm an armchair fan and I can continue to be sceptical until I decide otherwise. There's no obligation on me to demonstrate anything to anyone, even if I could. If you don't see the reason for suspicion then that's fine too.

Given all that's happened, it should surprise nobody that some people are raising eyebrows. I'm sure you can agree with that.

Yeah, but those same people will probably raise eyebrows at any rider who would be in the yellow, it's a shame it has to be this way, but what do we expect after Armstrong...he's poisoned the well for years to come. Whilst Froome was very strong he was not superhuman. He gained 29secs on his only real competition, Quintana. That's not the sort of gap that screams doping to me. The fact that everyone else dropped off is more surprising, especially Contador. We've all seen in recent races his lack of form and apparent weakness in both TT's and steep climbs, and it was dramatically exposed today. Same with cuddles, Schleck (no surprise), Valverde etc etc etc...
I do think that SKY are clean, but what is more clear is that their training program and scientific approach is really spot on, and head and shoulders above the other teams.
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