Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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I saw that but it looked like an attack to me.

staying at the same speed with an increase in gradient would be the same as an acceleration surely



edit: Or maybe depending on what exactly you mean.

well, if they're doing 10mph* at say 8% gradient, and then it becomes 13% for a section and froome stays at 10mph for this section and Quintana doesn't manage to do so, it would seem as if Froome is accelerating away, when really this wouldn't be the case.


The Borough
Stage 15. Mont Ventoux (last 6.68 km, 7.87 %, 526 m). Chris Froome: 18 min 57 sec, 21.15 Kph, VAM 1665 m/h, 5.97 W/kg [DrF].


The weather station does look a little like a syringe though...


Whilst I'm not inclined to necessarily believe the words or face or body language, Froome has a comically high cadence and that gives me reason to think 'maybe'. Now before you all leap down my throat about cadence and the purported value of high cadence (not to mention it's previous adherents), Froome's cadence - and maybe gearing too, I think he was riding 38/29? or was it 39/28?? - does set him apart from other riders. So maybe MAYBE Sky have been mastering something there (plus also maybe Froome being a natural, even freakish, athlete) that other teams have not fully exploited.

I don't want to jump to an assumption of doping, and I want to believe the Sky marginal gains mantra, but I'm finding it difficult. I'm looking for something to explain just how it is that Froome can leave other riders going backwards.


Silencing his legs regularly
Froome's cadence - and maybe gearing too, I think he was riding 38/29? or was it 39/28?? - does set him apart from other riders. So maybe MAYBE Sky have been mastering something there (plus also maybe Froome being a natural, even freakish, athlete) that other teams have not fully exploited.

I don't want to jump to an assumption of doping, and I want to believe the Sky marginal gains mantra, but I'm finding it difficult. I'm looking for something to explain just how it is that Froome can leave other riders going backwards.

Just had a look at the Osymetric website, and their 'compact' rings are indeed 38 teeth (though the asymmetry means they're not directly comparable with oval chainrings). I would have thought for Ventoux (if not other lumpier stages) that Sky would have fitted bigger cassettes and if needed modded derailleurs, as they did last year for Brad (he had a 36t cassette for at least one stage).
Enjoyed that stage. Surprised by the disbelief portrayed by some though.
I feel we seen this coming - Froome victory with Quintana 2nd and the rest flapping about behind in dismay. No one has showed otherwise. I did hope for a Contador attack or two but truth is he is not the same climber he once was. There may or may not be a good reason for that.
It seems to me a combination of Froome's form and everyone else's lack of. One would have a clearer picture if Nibali was taking part in good form. As it stands though Froome is simply too strong. The good news is that it is anyones guess who will end up in the podium places. Green jersey seems obvious with the White Jersey likely now staying on Quintana's shoulders till Paris. Froome will likely take Polka Dot too just because he appears to be bloody greedy!! ;)

Said it before, say it again - lovin this race.
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