Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Meanwhile, Tyson Gay actually tests positive.


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
@franmillar: Richie Froome and Chris Porte totally smashed that today. Helped by Pete Siutsou, David Kennaugh, Ian Lopez, Kosta Thomas and G Stannard



Über Member
The problem with Froome and the reason that he is under suspicion for using a substance, banned or otherwise, is peoples perception of him.

If Quintana had won that stage in Froomes position, would people be casting doubt on his cleanliness?

Froome is having doubt cast on his performance because he isn't being given enough credit for his climbing. He is clearly, imo, the best climber in the cycling world and had just beaten the 2nd best climber in the cycling world.

Put in those terms, is it clear that he is doping or just the best climber by a country mile?

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
I like the fact that the music at the end of the ITV4 Live programme was "Night on Bald Mountain" by Mussorgsky!

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
I thought it was a tail wind. Either way it shows how much stronger Froome is than everyone else.

I don't believe he is simply THAT much stronger than every other rider, the pace and apparent ease that he dropped others, made me sit up for a number of reasons.
Hope he answers questions rather than just get the hump they are to be expected with such a performance.

Hope I'm wrong though and my concerns are unfounded


There was wind as they looped up the side it swung around.

I wonder how a fresh Nibbles would have done today.

I was disappointed that Vince Nibbles wasn't at the tour to be honest...mainly because this is my first year of cyclng/following cycling and he stormed the Giro.

Oh, and the Astana jersey looks alright


The Borough
2547498 said:
I wonder if there is an equivalent with decent people in banking who bemoan the damage done to their reputation by mavericks

Don't get me started...
This last week I was rejected for a job after 4 afternoons of interviews, partly for cultural reasons, the concern being I would bring too much of a nasty banking mentality to the firm. I told them to man up or go f*ck themselves (just joking - i told them thanks for the experience).

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Don't get me started...
This last week I was rejected for a job after 4 afternoons of interviews, partly for cultural reasons, the concern being I would bring too much of a nasty banking mentality to the firm. I told them to man up or go f*ck themselves
(just joking - i told them thanks for the experience).
Was it for the Diplomatic Corps, Thom?:whistle:
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