Things you'd like to say, but can't

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A pet hate of mine when I used to go for a swim three nights a week after work was one very fast swimmer who was a complete tosser. He just got his head down and churned out the lengths, colliding with every slower swimmer on the way. I wasn't quick, but I wasn't just 'drifting' either. I'd swim 2,000 metres breaststroke in just over an hour.
Or the ones who insist on doing butterfly in a narrow lane, and sod the poor sod who's going in the other direction. 'Look at me, ain't I sump'n?' Yes, you are. :angry:
You're 22 and earning money. You're starting your latest self gratification scheme. Why not just fark off?

Ratchet Cat

Listen to me you rude woman. I've been on my feet all day. You don't even know or care what I do for a living.
I've been up since the early hours. It's the same week after week.

Less of your attitude. I'm a grown woman. If I need to sit down I will. I don't need your permission. So shut up before I wipe that smirk off your face.
The ****panzer one? That's been there for years ... :smile:

Just shows how much notice I take. Other half :girldance::rose: always tells me I look and don't see :blink:
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