The Retirement Thread

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Unfortunately I don't believe any of the regulatory bodies are there to protect the public interest. They are there to protect the agencies they regulate. Look at Ofwat, Ofgen, Ofcom and the like.

Just my personal opinion mind.

They SHOULD be there to ensure that the companies stick to the rules/law

but theyy have BEEN ALLOWED to "go native"

but this is starting to head a bit - or more than a bit - more suitable for "The Other Place" so I think we should change direction
Had an active day
Went to get my wife's prescription - walked and came back the long way round - probably about 4 miles overall
then cleaned out all the air filters in the house as the big one was flashing a warning

then got the leaf blower out and blew all the leaves
plus 74,976,978 sycamore seeds
off the lawn and patio and put then in the green bin

Last bit should have taken 15 minutes or so - took WELLL over that because the leaf blower didn;t work
had to trace back to check if the extension was working, the outside socket, the contact breaker

all OK - tested everything out using the strimmer (because it was handy)

only one switch on the leaf blower so it looked like the thing was broken

until I noticed that a safety cutoff on the leaf blower was just a little bit unfastened
not much - just enough to dis-engage and stop it working

Plus I did a few other bits around the house

not felt like I had that much energy for months - or longer

maybe this gluten free diet - although a pain - is helping


Legendary Member
Good morning all.
Woke up thinking "what shall I do today" then remembered that I have a funeral to attend (my neighbour). It's an awkward time, 1400 but you generally get what the crem' can offer.
We are invited to a local pub afterwards, never a joyous affair.
Aaahhh well, bite the bullet etc.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Coooooeee. What a night. It pouted down all night. Torrential rain.

Shopping day for us today.

Stay safe peeps :hello:


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
The sun is coming up, although it is very damp outside.
Sainsbury's are delivering the weekly goodies between 9 and 10, then I'll be out with the dog for an hour or so.
My prescription is ready for collection so I'll cycle up to the pharmacy and collect it, plus I'll add a few miles onto the ride for good measure :bicycle:

MrsP has a busy day. Pilates class this morning, art class this afternoon and then this evening she is off to Sadler's Wells with a friend to watch a modern ballet. Her friend was a ballet dancer in her younger days.
Enjoy your day everyone.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
We won't be shopping today. There has been a train collision and eveyrone has been told to stay clear of a section of road between Tallerdig and where we live and od course that's the road we use to go shopping. So tomorrow it is then.


Good morning,
having taken the stairs and landing carpet up it's surprising how echoey everything sounds. No stair carpet and no handrail means I have to be extra careful negotiating the stairs🤞
Walking group this morning followed by a natter and a swift pint in the local. Glorious sunrise this morning, the sun was illuminating the bottom of the clouts turning them a lovely shade of pink.
Have a peaceful day folks
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