The Retirement Thread

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
An hours wander around the town and popped into the Co-op for milk and some berries. Only a bit breezy and no sign of the strong wind so far, although it’s not supposed to peak until 8 or 9 this evening.

We have had strong wind and rain all morning. Sunshine at moment. The wind is from south, so, it is moving in your direction. No need to thank me. 😊
Been intermittently raining most of the day and quite windy

Went out for a meal last nigh with the grand-daughter as a "grown up" reward for
a) getting a school award for achievement - best of her year!!
b) getting elected as Form Captain

Glad to hear that her Dad will be going to the "Gowns and Badges" ceremony at the end of term where she officially gets her badge as Form Captain - she will be so pleased at the acknowledgement of it from her Dad!
I know it mean naff all in the grand scheme of things but she is SO pleased and often has little self confidence so we try to blow sunshine at her whenever possible.

Makes me remember that I was always Form Captain when I was at school
The teachers trusted me to do stuff and the other kids regarded it as a good idea because
a) I was paranoid about doing homework on time and so could be relied on to put the current homework on the board correctly
b) they regarded the extra trouble as just punishment for being a smart arse - I was pretty much always top in the "Mark Order" every few week
mind you - it was the bottom set!!!

anyway - also first meal out when trying to keep to the Gluten Free diet
2 choices of starter - one includes cheese - and I have made my feelings about that before - so just soup sans bread

only choice without gluten or cheese for main was steak with special chips (no flour coating to make them crispier)
which was fine

to be fair the places has just been taken over and tarted up a bit and so is working on a reduced menu for a few weeks

very nice anyway


Legendary Member
@Dave7 forgot to mention this. We have another of your lads on a season long loan. Owen Beck. A very promising left back. If Slot ever wants shot of him I hope we're first in the queue.

One of our two best players on the park yesterday. The other nine were poor.

Yes, I have read good things about him.
We seem to have a good crop of youngsters coming through.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
A friend of mine is doing Ben Nevis today with his girlfriend, I wonder if they will still like each other when they get down.

I think Ben Nevis is no-go today.

Rain and winds gusting to 80-90mph - over 100mph later this evening.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I thought that but he was halfway around four hours ago, he has done it before in winter.

Not understanding that tbh. Unless the weather reports are wrong the mountain will be empty of people with those wind speeds.

Not looking good on the webcam situated on Aonach Mor:

What route is he on?


Took up the carpet on the stairs and landing, prised up all the carpet gripper from around the edges and removed the numerous staples that had held the underlay. This revealed the original unpainted central part of the treads and risers from the days when stairs had a central strip of carpet with the sides of the treads painted.
Knackered now, that carpet was bloomin heavy!
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