The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Dammed predictive text. CSE'S,
Now edited for clarity.
I should proof read the post first.

My best spelling always comes after I press the send button.


Night night everyone.


Good morning. Phew, made it today. Yesterday was glorious weather and we had a good day with #2 small person who is one. She's very entertaining, very happy and easy to keep occupied, mainly just wants to chatter and walk around. She refuses to wear shoes, whimpers and backs away at the sight of them. Playing outside in her socks means filthy socks and cold feet......she was happy. It's #1 small person, four as we know. A whole different kettle of fish. It will be full on Duracell bunny from 8.00am to 6.00pm. She talks non-stop, must be doing something etc, etc. Exhausting but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Take care and don't do anything I wouldn't do....................plenty of scope there................
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