The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
We'll have to wait and see...
At least someone knew...


Where to start..

I have worked for the same company in Denmark for 21 years and have been looked after very well. I was lucky enough to fall into a job that is as much a hobby as it is a job. I am a sail maker.

Earlier this month 9 of my collegues got notice that they were being let go due to 'reorganisation'. There was no hint of this coming, not a clue. Amongst those being fired was the production manager (14 years service) a guy in QC, 17 years service and a collegue who I have worked alongside every day for the past 11 years. Plus another 120 workers in our Tunisia loft.

The management has only been in place for 3 years and know nothing about the sail making business or this companies ethics.

I have tried for 2 weeks to get them to fire me and keep my collegue. It makes better business sense for the company. My collegue works in the area the company is heading and is more knowlegable in that area than I am. I reach retirement age in May and he is in his 30s.

I considered resigning to force their hand to keep him on. But it is obvious they would let me resign and still fire him. Which is mind boggingly dumb. Because nobody else can do our job .

I was all set to pick my bag up and walk out the door but have been convinced by everyone concerned to stay on until May and then retire. My mind cannot get over how the management will not listen to the common sense that everyone is telling them.

I have been told that I have done all I can and now need to look after myself and my family. I can see getting to the end of December will be ok. But May is a long stretch.

Financially, I could have left years ago. But it has been good fun and I work with great people. I like my work. But the ethos of the company has changed and its all about the money and sod the staff. Our experience and knowledge means nothing.

I think when you do not feel respected or valued. Then thats a good time to pack up and leave. I am just pleased it came at this time in my working life.

Is it a company we would know in the uk ? I only ask as I am a dinghy sailor 😀


Legendary Member
Still feeling a bit grim so in bed early.


My master plan was to get to the end of March before retiring and the better weather is on the way. I have pulled that back to the end of December and then see how it goes. The way they have treat the production manager is inexcusable. He is there until March and has said I can leave whenever I choose. It’s a sad situation but when I leave, they can never accuse me of not trying to help them.
If that feels right for you, great 👍

I enjoyed a fine 23yrs with my final company, a US tech firm….& left on good terms - mentally speaking, not fiscally - as hard as I tried, I had to resign to jump into the world of the Unemployables!
…but I am well aware they wouldn’t think twice about me after I was gone.
Most US tech firms have a habit of ‘reducing the workforce’ at regular intervals, and “the Company” won’t be thinking too hard about the people they sack 🤷‍♂️

A few folk would miss me, and indeed I keep in regular touch with a number of workmates who became good friends around the globe, but unless it is *your* company, don’t stress too hard over it: make the right decision for YOU 💪

Most important, I feel, is that you retire *to* something, not *from* work, especially if things have gone a bit sour.
Good luck!
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