The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
That reminds me.......the green beans I got out of the Co-op last week were much nicer than I was expecting. I will get more next time I'm round. In the meantime I have a cauliflower to use.

I thought you didn't cook ?


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
That reminds me.......the green beans I got out of the Co-op last week were much nicer than I was expecting. I will get more next time I'm round. In the meantime I have a cauliflower to use.

Yes, my mate is younger than me, but is very old school in terms of how marital tasks are divied out. To be fair, when asked why she does virtually everything (she also has a full-time job!) his wife says "because he is retired"! Gobsmacking. Imo she buys into the old-fashioned mantra too.

Sweeping statement time: ime guys down south seem to be much more involved with domestic duties as the norm, working or retired. Based on relationships we see functioning here in The Lakes as opposed to London/Kent.

Tbh, I have no particular interest in how anyone's domestic arrangements are split, it's down to them, but I have witnessed some terrible siutuations, within my friends & family group, where a wife or husband dies and the surviving party is clueless as to what their partner did - whether this is practical domestic arrangements or household finances, etc.


Legendary Member
Slight technical problem.
I use bags of microwave rice and struggle to eat even 'most' of a bag.
So rice And chips is not possible for me.

Maybe rice and chip then.


Legendary Member
My dad was like that........very old school. He didn't even know how to turn the washing machine on. I think men in his time were hard workers and provided the wage, but the wife was for looking after kids, cooking, cleaning, etc.

You just described my past life to a T. Pam was 17 when our eldest was born and stayed at home to look after him, I worked 7 long days a week for the first 14 years of our marriage, I like working so that is not a problem , Pam liked and excelled at being a housewife, we were a perfect match. She knew the harder I worked the better life we had, I worked hard and we played hard, even now as you all know I still enjoy what some would call work.

I have adapted well and quite quickly to looking after myself, I seldom ping meal, my clothes are clean and ironed and the house and gardens are kept well, I honestly feel I am carrying on Pams legacy ( if that is the correct word). That does not take away the fact that I am extremely lonely, but oddly enough not feeling sorry for myself.

slow horse

Well-Known Member
Mr WD has no idea our finances. All the bills are in my name, he has no idea at all.
He sounds like me. Though some of the bills are in my name, my wife handles everything financial. Always has, to the extent I nearly forgot how to write a cheque back in the days of cheques...

Earlier this year she put all the details & instructions on a spreadsheet and I did take over for a few months, just to show I could if she wandered off a cliff (fortunately no cliffs around here), but we've since gone back to the old ways. Thank god.


Legendary Member
Sounds dreadful.
That situation would tip me over the edge, I have to say. My notice would be in.
Although my preference would be to retire perhaps in February, as the days start getting longer…..maybe speak some more with those who are left - the ones you describe as “everyone concerned”…not forgetting the 9 who have already been “let go” 😒

Best of luck

My main aim was not to be out of work in winter and start retirement when its warming up. I will still try and do that.
I am not understanding why: you are ok financially, clearly are out of love with the company and see next May as being a long-haul yet are not leaving now.

Because I have invested 21 years of my life invested into the company and have always wanted what is best for it. Although it is diving down the pan. It is still not easy to let go of it.
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