The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Sounds dreadful.
That situation would tip me over the edge, I have to say. My notice would be in.
Although my preference would be to retire perhaps in February, as the days start getting longer…..maybe speak some more with those who are left - the ones you describe as “everyone concerned”…not forgetting the 9 who have already been “let go” 😒

Best of luck

My master plan was to get to the end of March before retiring and the better weather is on the way. I have pulled that back to the end of December and then see how it goes. The way they have treat the production manager is inexcusable. He is there until March and has said I can leave whenever I choose. Its a sad situation but when I leave, they can never accuse me of not trying to help them.


Leg End Member
There is going to be a 70 mile diversion from 31st October to 20th December on the busiest Road in Wales due to a collapsed road. 70 miles for gods sake for 7 weeks. Absolutely ridiculous. So if u want to shop in Newtown, that will be a drive of 140 miles round trip. I don't think so
It's only the wall that's gone, the road is still there.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I always handled everything financial or legal, but I can see Pam may have struggled if I had gone first, but the kids would have stepped in immediately.

I've always done the finances. I've always been good with money.
My dad was like that........very old school. He didn't even know how to turn the washing machine on. I think men in his time were hard workers and provided the wage, but the wife was for looking after kids, cooking, cleaning, etc.

My Mum was the type of person who cannot cope with someone else in the kitchen when she was cooking
She was a brilliant cook - just stay out of the way!!!

My wife can confirm that I am the same - I can cope with the grand daughter helping - but NOT my wife
or any other adult

anyway - as a result I never saw my Dad cook growing up

one year - not sure when but I was still at Primary School - she went away for a long weekend to see the tulips, in Holland, with her friends

SO it was just me and my Dad
I remember lunch time coming round and asking my Dad how we could have lunch when Mum was not here to cook (I was a boy and so very interested in where the next food was coming from!!!)

He found it very funny - but reassure me that he could cook perfectly - and while he was cooking he told me lots of stories about Scout camps when he was younger
Including a International Scout Jamboree in Holland (by coincidence) in the 1930s

I remember that first lunch we had bacon - not sure what else but I remember that

We were fine when Mum came back

I told this story to Mum when I was older and she said she was never worried - she knew my Dad could cook and do everything else
I just never saw him doing it at that age!


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
My main aim was not to be out of work in winter and start retirement when its warming up. I will still try and do that.

Because I have invested 21 years of my life invested into the company and have always wanted what is best for it. Although it is diving down the pan. It is still not easy to let go of it.

Well, obviously your call and I can't argue with that but objectively: the company and you are no longer aligned and you are not enjoying the situation that you find yourself in, so... possibly 8 months of your life wasted.

Like any relationship: when it is done, let it go.

Not easy after 21 years for sure but 8 months of a relatively small part of your life (retirement) is probably quite a large chunk.

Just my 2-penneth. ^_^
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