The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
The weirdest thing happened here earlier. I was looking at holidays in Turkey, a place we used to visit often, and after ten minutes, I gave up as I knew I was not brave enough yet. So I decided to tidy my wardrobe again. Instead, I opened Pam's handbag cupboard, so I thought I best check them out just in case there is something in them. Sure enough, a good lump of Sterling and a handful of Turkish lira bank notes were in them. Was it a message? I should add that I am not a believer in such things.


Hello!! No time to check in this morning. I planned to go on the club ride. Went to get the bike out. Puncture!! With six miles to ride to the meet point doing that and fixing a flat wasn't going to happen in the 30 minutes available.

I need my new bike ASAP. Usually I have at least two to avoid this happening. I should be back to two by early November.

I've spent the day catching up lots of small stuff. The unexpected time put to good use. Went shopping for new underwear. One style had "added bamboo!" There's a few good jokes in there. 🤣

Now, confession time. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa............I have shopped in Waitrose. 😱 I know. I know. It's certainly a step up from the Aldi experience. 🤣


We havnt seen the aurora yet despite looking at various hours through most nights (poor sleepers), added to the fact our house is east west facing and out north view is somewhat blocked plus a great big bright shopping centre in the way too.

Used my concessionary bus pass for the first time today, took the two grand daughters into town for a couple hours into the museum, have a walk around etc.

Quietish day, wife still quite unwell, presumably from her radiotherapy.


Legendary Member
The weirdest thing happened here earlier. I was looking at holidays in Turkey, a place we used to visit often, and after ten minutes, I gave up as I knew I was not brave enough yet. So I decided to tidy my wardrobe again. Instead, I opened Pam's handbag cupboard, so I thought I best check them out just in case there is something in them. Sure enough, a good lump of Sterling and a handful of Turkish lira bank notes were in them. Was it a message? I should add that I am not a believer in such things.

How weird.
I did exactly that with Sue's handbags and found wads of Euros.
My daughter and SiL want to take me to the last place Sue and I holidayed at (Portugal) but I just can't do it.


Legendary Member
How weird.
I did exactly that with Sue's handbags and found wads of Euros.
My daughter and SiL want to take me to the last place Sue and I holidayed at (Portugal) but I just can't do it.

I would like to get back to Turkey and I nearly pushed the button a good few times today, who knows I may be stronger tomorrow. I am not sure what the fear is, I am lonely here so I may as well be lonely in the sun.


Legendary Member
How weird.
I did exactly that with Sue's handbags and found wads of Euros.
My daughter and SiL want to take me to the last place Sue and I holidayed at (Portugal) but I just can't do it.

Liverpool is going to be another tough place to visit, not just because of the odd people who speak funny but also because we used to visit it often.^_^


Chanced by some former pals from my last place of 'gainful employment' from whence I'd resigned because of autocratic management.
They all related tales of woe; high staff turnover, poor morale, indifference to the issues, continuing autocratic management, failing production targets being covered up, lousy supervisors etc.. :eek:
Oh dear, I'm retired - ! :laugh::okay:


Leg End Member
One for when the trick or treaters call!

Or if you keep on getting deliveries for the wrong address.
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