The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I do like a fish pie, some people have a hard boiled egg in the middle, but I don't go that far.

You have, seriously, just made me gag.


Ah ok,
Mashed potatoes, Michelin star restaurant style.
2kg potatoes, 1kg butter, salt and pepper to taste

I was gobsmacked when, while visiting mum before she passed, she was watching an American cooking program with a nice homely woman who never stopped smiling, making mashed or creamed potatoes.
Jesus H Christ, the amount of butter going in ,!!!!. No wonder they're so big over there.
If I make mash, there's probably a tablespoon of butter at the most goes in.


Grandson and his family moved...I quite enjoyed the day, not too much heavy stuff but lots of small boxes and bags, most of which needed walking 100 yards from their flat to the van . Rained all day, roads were filthy, wet wet wet and raining while loading /unloading...but still enjoyed it all.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I think most of us are. When I think about death, I remind myself of all the "famous" people who have gone over thousand of years. Death does scare me because I am a non believer so I can only see a big black hole with nothing at the end of it : gone for ever and ever .

You won't know about it so why worry?

At some point in our life we all go through a 'mortality acceptance phase', I did when I was around 60.

I've accepted it happens and I take comfort that my wife & kids will be ok financially if I were to pop my clogs (origin of that phrase?) but... I really do not want a drawn out and grisly end. Country needs to get the euthanasia issue sorted pronto imo - majority of the populace want it.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Yet another healthy eating/weight loss attempt. I discovered a woman who founded a programme called Bright Line Eating and a lot of what she says makes sense. Basically no sugar, no flour, 3 meals a day with no snacking and you are supposed to weigh what you are eating and plan it for the next day so you are not tempted to alter it to something unhealthy. She was like me when she was younger and couldn’t control binge eating and says sugar and flour are almost like drugs to our brains. Makes sense for those of us with addictive tendencies. I have always said when I start eating, especially sweet stuff or too much bread that I can’t stop and it feels like a drug. I really want something that I can stick to for the rest of my days, not a quick diet that just fails after a few weeks.

Anything carb-heavy is addictive. I can't go near bread, spuds, rice, cereals, etc or I would more than likely just start troughing away. :mrpig: And not stop...

I have managed to keep within half a stone of my wedding (2nd) weight some 32 years ago by avoiding all the above.


Legendary Member
You won't know about it so why worry?

At some point in our life we all go through a 'mortality acceptance phase', I did when I was around 60.

I've accepted it happens and I take comfort that my wife & kids will be ok financially if I were to pop my clogs (origin of that phrase?) but... I really do not want a drawn out and grizly end. Country needs to get the euthanasia issue sorted pronto imo - majority of the populace want it.

When I was ill I thought my end was near, I didn't really mind as long as it wasn't going to be painful, but the thoughts of having "bits" cut out of me was not very appealing and I dreaded having a stoma when they said "we are looking for bowel cancer", I was so glad I got the all clear.


Good morning, another bright day ahead. Did a bit of lugging soil from the skip in the neighbours front garden round to a friend's house who lives about 1k away. Neighbour is preparing the base for a new " summer house =posh shed " and friend has a garden that floods so it made sense.
No aches so far, but the lurgy seems to have made a return 🥲


Legendary Member
Morning all, electrician is coming this morning to fit a new alarm box. I have someone coming at 5pm with a view to purchasing all the equipment in the surgery, Pam was a chiropodist, I even designed the house around her business when I built it. A few dents here and there also, so I hope the day goes as planned.
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