The Retirement Thread

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Today is mapped out, eldest grandson moves into a new house today so grandad is van driving (and will no doubt get involved in humping boxes etc.
Whenever anyone has moved house...out whole family tends to get stuck in but today too many are at work and the housing association have given them very little notice to get out, get in.

Backs gonna be sore tomorrow...


Legendary Member
Yea Gods
if that happened to my wife she would be screaming for me and ripping her clothes



if you find another one like it can you capture it and let me know????

I had similar thoughts but about Sue. I thought...... she would be running down the road naked while I was curled up laughing,
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Legendary Member
I felt nostalgic tonight so I went on Google earth and put in Orleans and the address where I grew up when I was 10 years old in the town centre. Gone is the cafe, grocery shop my mum was running. Gone is the butcher's opposite my mum's shop. Gone is the boulangerie at the end of the road. Gone is the other cafe further down. Gone is my friend's mother hairdresser's shop.
They say you should never go back to your youth but I felt I had to . I shall go to sleep tonight thinking about those carefree days. in 1960.
The irony is that the street is called Rue d'Angleterre ( England Road ) Little did I know then that I would be spending the rest of my life in the UK, so far away from my roots. Maybe I am an old sentimental fool but I miss those days tonight and my family.

I fully understand and find it sad. I was brought up and married a mere 30 miles from here but still think back to those "good old days".
My daughter is in South West France this week, with grandson # 1 and his French wife.
I have been to Orlean as Sue and I enjoyed travelling France most years since 1980.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
It's gone so dark here that I was thinking if turning the light back on. Oh and of course its been raining on and off as well.

Pottering day for me. I'm expecting a delivery so I can carry on making stuff.

We have bread leftover from yesterday, so it will probably be egg on toast today.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Do not forget your meter readings, if you do not have a smart meter.

I did mine a few days ago. So much for electricity prices being lowered :cursing:


Started young, and still going.
Do not forget your meter readings, if you do not have a smart meter.

I did mine late last night.
Octopus sent the new bill through this morning and because I pay through a monthly DD i am nearly £600 in credit before the DD payment goes out on the 14th.
I have requested a refund of £200 as I have too much in credit, and Martin Lewis reckons you should only have two or three months payment in credit.
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