The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I did mine late last night.
Octopus sent the new bill through this morning and because I pay through a monthly DD i am nearly £600 in credit before the DD payment goes out on the 14th.
I have requested a refund of £200 as I have too much in credit, and Martin Lewis reckons you should only have two or three months payment in credit.

I'm with Octopus as well. I do like them. The online ap is great. They don't give me any hassle, and you can get any credit back easily. I'm so glad I left Scottish Power. They read my meter wrong, read it as the day was the night and the night was the day. I was just happy to get away with them owing me £100 rather than telling me I owed them thousands. When I went to Octopus and gave them the readings, they said they were very differnt to the other efforts and asked me to take a photo of the meter. I sent it to them and they corrected it right away. Never again will I ever have anything to do with those Robbing bar stewards.
"Yea Gods
if that happened to my wife she would be screaming for me TO RIP her clothes
off " fixed that for ya E

Not sure I have THAT much energy nowadays!!
Weird thing last night
I was generally wandering around the WWW and discovered that my Aunt's house (my Mum's sister) house is up for sale
photos show it empty but in good order

Now - thing is that my after my Mum died my Dad told me that my AUnt had never visited them for many years - in spite of knowing my Mum had Dementia - and also never rang. My Mum rang her "every week" but as her memory was all screwed up that could be every day or have a gap of a month, As far as she was concerned she had last seen her sister "last week" - it was well over 7 years ago!

Anyway - she had not contacted me for many decades even when she knew I was quite ill for a year or so - so no great loss to me anyway

just feels weird

(Oh - and last I heard - i.e. when my Dad died about 14 years ago - I was down to inherit everything she had when she dies(d) as she didn;t approve of my cousins (for $reasons - their Mum was Catholic which may have been a factor) in spite of the younger one helping her a lot at times
I PRESUME she changed that to her "boyfriend" and his kids as they had been living together for decades - but who knows)

anyway - just feels weird - another connection to the past gone
There is a local pub that used to be one of those pubs that had more Police visits that the doughnut shop near the cop shop

Then it was taken over, refurbished and generally improved
and re-opened after quite a while as a pub/restaurant clearly aimed at a better type of customer

anyway - we gave it a go and it was OK - but there are better options available nearby so we have not been back
always intended to go back and see if it has improved as it is the nearest place to us - but never got round to it

anyway - just seen in the local paper that it has just had a ZERO rated inspection

OOOOOK - give it a miss for a while longer then!!!


Legendary Member
Some shopping done and probably walked another mile and a half doing it. I never take my car to the supermarket unless I am buying anything exceptionally heavy.

Co-op first and stocked up on healthy stuff……..for me :laugh: Some chicken breasts, the nice salmon fillets in chilli flakes I like, apples, tomatoes, a cauliflower and cabbage and some blueberries, box of shredded wheat and a jar of Nescafe Gold decaf that they have started stocking It’s nicer than the normal Nescafe decaf I think. Dumped that then walked along to Aldi for their oat milk as I prefer it.

Cuppa and another browse now before lunch.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Some shopping done and probably walked another mile and a half doing it. I never take my car to the supermarket unless I am buying anything exceptionally heavy.

Co-op first and stocked up on healthy stuff……..for me :laugh: Some chicken breasts, the nice salmon fillets in chilli flakes I like, apples, tomatoes, a cauliflower and cabbage and some blueberries, box of shredded wheat and a jar of Nescafe Gold decaf that they have started stocking It’s nicer than the normal Nescafe decaf I think. Dumped that then walked along to Aldi for their oat milk as I prefer it.

Cuppa and another browse now before lunch.

Good god. What's wrong with you buying healthy stuff. I'm shocked :stop: :laugh:


Legendary Member
Good god. What's wrong with you buying healthy stuff. I'm shocked :stop: :laugh:

Yet another healthy eating/weight loss attempt. I discovered a woman who founded a programme called Bright Line Eating and a lot of what she says makes sense. Basically no sugar, no flour, 3 meals a day with no snacking and you are supposed to weigh what you are eating and plan it for the next day so you are not tempted to alter it to something unhealthy. She was like me when she was younger and couldn’t control binge eating and says sugar and flour are almost like drugs to our brains. Makes sense for those of us with addictive tendencies. I have always said when I start eating, especially sweet stuff or too much bread that I can’t stop and it feels like a drug. I really want something that I can stick to for the rest of my days, not a quick diet that just fails after a few weeks.


Legendary Member
Yet another healthy eating/weight loss attempt. I discovered a woman who founded a programme called Bright Line Eating and a lot of what she says makes sense. Basically no sugar, no flour, 3 meals a day with no snacking and you are supposed to weigh what you are eating and plan it for the next day so you are not tempted to alter it to something unhealthy. She was like me when she was younger and couldn’t control binge eating and says sugar and flour are almost like drugs to our brains. Makes sense for those of us with addictive tendencies. I have always said when I start eating, especially sweet stuff or too much bread that I can’t stop and it feels like a drug. I really want something that I can stick to for the rest of my days, not a quick diet that just fails after a few weeks.

In contrast, I'm trying to put on weight, I'm still 7Kg under my normal weight before I became ill
Lunch today is cottage pie and mince pie and custard (I made some larger ones for puddings)

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
We were going to dam the expense and have a few beans as well, but now Mr WD has decided not.


Legendary Member
In contrast, I'm trying to put on weight, I'm still 7Kg under my normal weight before I became ill
Lunch today is cottage pie and mince pie and custard (I made some larger ones for puddings)

That was my problem. Hospital reckon I lost ove 3 stone.
So I now eat any junk, I don't care, so long as it is food of some sort.
I do try and eat proper stuff as well.
eg last night I did a very nice curry with rice and chips. This morning I had a trifle. Later it will be fresh bread with cheese.
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