The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Coooooee. 12 deg here.

Stay safe preps :hello:


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Nice weather in stall for today's bbq at the White Horse bikers meet. Will be attending with MrsD on the AJS and the Bantam.
Phone call last night from my cousin in Bedford asking if it's alright for them to visit for a few days next week. Short notice , but it will be lovely to see him and his missus again.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
And we now have rain :rain:. And its gone really dark as well


Legendary Member
Right..... Bread is baking. It does seem to take for ever though.
I think Aldi would be more attractive if if wasn't hissing down (which it is now). Crumbly type cheese is my main need** so could go to the Spar.
**we have strong cheddar but that doesn't appeal to me with fresh crusty bread.
Morning all :hello:

Nice weather in stall for today's bbq at the White Horse bikers meet. Will be attending with MrsD on the AJS and the Bantam.
Phone call last night from my cousin in Bedford asking if it's alright for them to visit for a few days next week. Short notice , but it will be lovely to see him and his missus again.

We were just commenting on our Sunday ride that a sign of Spring in Melbourne is that all the motor bikes come out.
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