The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I’m still undecided about getting one. An air fryer that is, not a cheese sandwich. :laugh:

Another little wander done while it was nice as there’s some dark cloud gathering.

I would have starved without mine, so easy and clean to use, ideal for the likes of you and me on our own.


A trip into Poole on the Brommies earlier. We needed to return something to Sainsburys and pick up a preorder from Argos. Decided to wander down to the Quay instead of heading straight back, lots going on loads of music and people eating at outside tables as it was a warm sunny day. Detoured up the old part of the High Street and spotted an empty table outside at a well regarded Pizzeria so we stopped for lunch. Mrs Tkk was taken with the young Italian waiter who was being attentive and pretending to flirt 😁
Then disaster struck, it's the old High Street with worn cobblestones and sloping pavement Mrs Tkk dropped her napkin and leaned over the side of her chair to pick it up. In the process she overbalanced and ended up sprawled in the road, everyone leapt into action and she was soon back on her feet. The staff moved us to a different table and all was well. The Pizzas were magnificent and big. So after our meal we headed home with the leftovers in a pizza box strapped to the rack on her Brompton. She has a small bump on the side of her head but says that she is fine.
I took my electric Brompton but didn't use the battery at all, it's heavier than the non electric but rides just as well unpowered.
Pizza for tea 🍕🍕


Legendary Member
I’m still undecided about getting one. An air fryer that is, not a cheese sandwich. :laugh:

Another little wander done while it was nice as there’s some dark cloud gathering.

My Lakeland air fryer was given to me, I would not have bought one for my self as I'm on my own and also my kitchen is not that big on worktop space, but now if anything happened to it I would buy another they are so versatile and very quick and it saves on heating up the oven for a small meal, just right for a single person like us.
The one I have has a 7 inch round cooking area which is OK for me, if I had more worktop room I would like a bigger one like this one seen it being used on youtube®-Rotisserie-Countertop-Convection-Double-layered/dp/B0BL8QN9MH

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
You going for a swim as well?

hell no
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