The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
:smile: Morning, well it is, but it's very dark outside.
I'd like to get some sleep, but so far it ain't happened, I'll have another go


Good morning from a slightly chilly Dorset. Today is " Second Friday " where a group of highly trained athletes gather together for an isotonic drink and nutritionally focused meal. Or alternatively, a group of old farts go to the pub, get slightly p*ssed, eat chips, and talk rubbish for a few hours.
Yesterday I was summoned to a friend who is trying to repair his 1960's Juke box. He purchased it in the 80's completer with several hundred records. The volume control is faulty so I abled round to his place having dug out my soldering iron, solder sucker and other odds and sods. No luck, but late last night I was looking at a photo that i'd taken of the circuit board and the penny dropped as to what's wrong. A second visit will be made.
Have a peaceful day ☕️☀️👍

Chief Broom

Morning folks :okay: suns out, legs rested so will be out for a spin. My route today includes a hill like a ski jump descent! Hurtle down it keeping a wary eye on a side road, will spin out at the bottom but carry momentum to climb up a mirror image of the descent. The carried speed doesnt last long and its a case of rapidly clicking through the gears as gravity imposes 10....9...8..7..6..5.4.3 and grind to the top or spin in 2nd depending on my legs. Local traffic is usually considerate and pulls over to let me keep the speed, its disappointing if i have to brake! :okay:


Legendary Member
Enjoyed my wander. A hillyish 6.7 miles. There was still a frost on the grass to start but it’s lifted and starting to warm up a bit now.

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