The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
The tree surgeon are here to cut butcher the said fallen tree


Legendary Member
It's the biological part that raises the cost. Royal Mail will only do approved packages, to approved addresses.
is, pooh sticks.

I see the cost of a first class stamp is going up to £1.65 next month! The service is shocking now and I can see them pricing themselves out of the market completely. I have my suspicions that they might even be chucking stuff out. I used to get mail most days, even if it was just newsletters, catalogues, etc but I’ve had nothing in weeks.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I see the cost of a first class stamp is going up to £1.65 next month! The service is shocking now and I can see them pricing themselves out of the market completely. I have my suspicions that they might even be chucking stuff out. I used to get mail most days, even if it was just newsletters, catalogues, etc but I’ve had nothing in weeks.

They don't want people sending letters anymore. They want packages and parcels as they get more money from that.
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