The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning. It’s dark and a bit misty again. Another dry and warm day for us though. I will have a wander soon after my browse and coffee.


Good morning. I have trodden on a slug, in my bare feet, in our front room........this was a poor experience.

'Tis dark so weather update to follow. Sleep escapes me but I think it will return soon. I've giggled at the antics in here, tidied round, done the u3a accounts. All productive stuff.

Yesterday was Mrs P's birthday. I suggested lunch at a swanky local place, she wanted the seaside. We packed a bucket and spade. In glorious sunshine we wandered a couple of miles along the prom, laughed at people we possibly shouldn't have done, 🤭 ate 99s, sprawled out on a bench and dozed.........then we finished off with a grim cup of tea in the nearest cafe. In the evening we ate at a good local pub. Mrs P had prosecco for the first time since her diagnosis last autumn. I think she's reached the feck it stage. I feel that's good.

Today? Allotment. Shopping. Meeting friends in the village club bar to celebrate a 70th birthday. Good times are rolling.

I feel the need for a banana and a doze.


Good morning,
Speaking of bananas, those stringy bits that run along the sides after peeling are called phloem bundles.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
A sunny start to the day here.
A few things to do first thing,
1, drop Harry off at the cattery
2, drop Millie off at our daughters
3, water all the plants in the greenhouse and then get ready to travel to Gatwick airport. We can catch a train from our local station which with one change at Finsbury Park goes there.
Enjoy your day everyone.


Legendary Member
Morning all.
To backtrack........ I took daughter, SiL and GS #2 for a pub meal yesterday.
I went in my motobility scooter while they walked, it worked out well.
I decided on the "pensioners special". Blimey, they were generous.
£6.99 for starter and main meal.
I had garlic mushrooms followed by fish,chips n mushy peas...... I couldn't quite finish it. Nice white fish, golden chips n lovely peas.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Bonjour. Apart from a bike ride later on, I have no idea what to do today. I might get a break from working on the "spare room" in the garage today as it is the week end after all. Taking Molly to Angel Bay at 9.00 am and Mrs G is going to her "old girls" coffee club afterwards so I won't have the car anyway. The weather is grey so far and likely to remain like that all day. Might watch the Tour of Britain later.
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