The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I don't drunk be cause of my liver, some exception being an extremely rare glass of IPA on specialist occasions (Birthday, Christmas dinner, etc.) I think 3 pints a year is my limit of it gives me a headache.

I have cut right back (seriously).
1/2 pint is my limit for beer but I still enjoy a whisky or two.
Yesterday I tried John Smiths Smooth. Not tried that for years and it was very pleasant.


Started young, and still going.
The washing machine here is doing its thing at the moment. MrsP always leaves it a bit late to get her holiday clothes washed and ready when we are going away.
My case is packed and ready to go. The dog is not happy and is looking very suspicious. She is going to our daughters, so she will be well looked after/spoiled for the week.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
The excuse for the price difference is that a large amount of the cost it the processing and packaging

Hence the actual price of the milk is only a small percentage of the overall cost
and it takes almost as much to fill the small bottles as the large ones in spite of there being 1/4 of the milk in them

How close that gets to reality is something we can debate
but I would tend to the cynical

especially as people who buy the bigger bottles with tend to be people who buy a lot more stuff overall as they are feeding more people
and hence are worth more profit to the company
but that's just me

A bit of an assumption there. We are a two person household. I do food shopping (Mrs @BoldonLad's health prevents her doing it). I buy large packs of most things (including 4 pint cartons of milk). I simply freeze (splitting pack first, if appropriate) and use as required. Our food waste is almost zero.

I agree about the processing cost vs the contents cost.


Legendary Member
I will likely be consuming a pint or two of that, this very lunch time. ;)

It's lovely stuff. Come lunchtime I shall be deeply envious.

Greene King IPA is pretty decent too.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Good morning. A pleasant autumn day has dawned and the forecast is good for the next few days. I'll be on the allotment for a while.

Yesterday was exhausting, simply too busy. I sat down with a glass of wine to "relax" and paid the price. We're not talking party time. About six months ago I decided to cut alcohol consumption. I knew it was creeping up, Mrs P wasn't drinking so this was easy. Much easier to resist one urge to buy a bottle of gin than several calls from the drinks cupboard!! 🤣 Same with biscuits etc.if I don't buy them I don't eat them

I've noticed now that just a couple of drinks gives a poor sleep and a dehydrated feeling. Slept very badly last night.

It's Mrs P's birthday. Later I have to nip out and make sure #2 son has a present for her. Hopefully his carers have remembered and taken him shopping.

Happy birthday Mrs P ;)
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