The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
We have a Waitrose just up then road and Mrs D loves nothing more than rushing in to spend some money there.


Legendary Member
I am up, shaved and showered, now for a lay down on the sofa, not one person has contacted me to see how I am, despite many knowing that I am feeling rough, do they not know that I am will be writing my will soon.

Welcome to the club, not one person from church in nearly six weeks has come round to see it I'm alive or dead, so much for community spirit


Legendary Member
Humongous amount of sirens the last hour. It turns out it’s a gas leak at the primary school. Major evacuation underway. I always find it strange where all the emergency services suddenly appear from in such big numbers when we can’t even get a police attendance at break ins, vandalism, etc. They must hide somewhere!


Started young, and still going.
Do you know him?

He has messaged me in the past offering financial services.
Anyway - as I suspected today has gone all to pot

we had several things sorted out
a) pick up youngest grand kid who is - apparently - staying overnight
b) SWMBO has a nail appointment at 12:30 - finishing at 1:45
c) SWMBO has a hair appointment at 3:30 - finishing at 4:30-5

so plan was CLEAR that we would pick up the kid after the nail appointment - bring him back here and play then we would take his Gran to her hair appointment
come back here and he could have his tea - which takes time as he is the slowest eating child I have ever seen!
the pick him gran up

all seemed very OK to me with the single prolem that it required everything to go right as the grand kids and their parents live 30 minutes away
so slightest change and it would all go pear shaper

and guess what happened??

yup Kid's Mum ("son-in-law when they eventually get married" ) has gone shopping with her Mum and Sister and won;t be home until 2:30 - and then has to get his stuff ready for the overnight stay

so that won;t work

so now we have to work round picking him up later


and guess who had to sort it all out and will have to do all the ferrying around??

Families are a lot of trouble

luckily I have zero contact with my family as most of them are dead - or dead to me anyway - or never existed like siblings and stuff!
so at least halfof the problem is not there

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