The Retirement Thread

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Is it morning yet?



Started young, and still going.
Good morning all fellow retirees.
A grey, damp start to the day here.
Several things to do today, firstly the usual dog walk, then some domestics, MrsP is out volunteering at the local wildlife rescue centre, and then out to lunch with a friend of hers.
I'll have to wait for her to return so that I can go to the tyre place to collect the wheel.
The weather forecast is for rain, so I'll watch the cycling on the telly box.
Enjoy your day everyone.


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Today we shall be getting the steam train to Minehead and having a curry at Wetherspoons.
Weather's a bit manky - wet and windy.
Took the (motor)bikes out for a short ride yesterday and ended up at Pebbles for 'light refreshments'.
MrsD rode the Bantam for the first time and came home with a big smile on her face..........mind you, that could have been the cider. :laugh:

Well only the Gods - and SWMBO which is pretty much the same thing- know what we are doing today

apparently we are looking after the youngest grandkid - at some point
and picking up his cousin from school - which will be at 3:15
and waiting in their house until the other 2 grandkids get home from school - middle on in "his" school bus from his SPecial School and eldest on her own from her new school (Gods she is getting grown up!!!)

Plus - somehow - SWMBO has an appointment for her nails and - sometime later but in the same place - her hair
due to us going away in a few days

We did discuss the timings yesterday but it made no sense
did manage to get a "wake me up at 11 if I am not up" just before I went to bed

I presume I will be running all over the Merseyside area in the car
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