The Retirement Thread

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Are they a strong taste compared to their size?
No. Elephant garlic isn't a true garlic but does have a mild nutty, garlic flavour. It's good to eat roasted, sautéed or raw in salads. Generally it's not seen as an alternative to true garlic as the flavour is not as strong. I do use it in cooking and don't get complaints.

I'm thinking about my garlic growing for next year. Two questions. My true garlic was a disaster this year. Terrible. Second the quality of shop bought garlic is very poor**, corms are often rotten. I'm trying to decide if I should grow a lot more elephant or persevere with the traditional garlic in 2025.

** if you're noticing this I believe it's a Brexit result. All the garlic I've seen in recent months is from China and very small. I don't think we're getting European garlic anymore. The gift that keeps on giving!!


And a bow for some of the shallots. Cleaned and ready to store. I'll leave them in the greenhouse for another week to dry a little more and then store in net bags. Another success.

Wedding anniversary today, so being the old romantic that I am I'm taking her to the pub for a hog roast.

Soppy git!!!!

I always remember here - she doesn;t

I was worried a few months ago when I saw something and suddenly wondered whether I remembered this year or not
if I hadn;t it was quite possible she had forgotten as well
and then remembered some weeks after and not mentioned it

which would be annoying

A few days ago we were sorting out the kitchen cupboards after the kitchen had been "done" and were moving the glasses her sone got us for our wedding.
I took the opportunity and asked her
expecting to hear that I had forgotten and she noticed some time after and hadn;t mentioned it

but she says she THINKS I remembered and gave her a card and present as usual

which is even more annoying - was she telling the truth??
or was she bending the truth to make me feel better??

anyway - happy Aniversary to both of you
have a good one

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Sitting here with the windows open :laugh: I’ve been watching old stuff this evening. A Frost followed by a couple of Wycliffe. Onto Sister Boniface now.

I watched a film I bought on Google TV called The Age of Adeline. I buy movies now and again that I particularly like. The next one I buy will be Me before you.
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