The Retirement Thread

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The fact that you pick up the call in the first place tells the computer that phoned you that the number is active. Then as you say it gets sold on to other scammers.
We only rarely answer the house phone. There is an answering machine, anyone who wants us can leave a message.

The exception is when we're expecting an important call. Our GP practice always calls the landline number, no idea why. So if, for example, we're expecting blood test results we would answer.


Hello, world. Still dark but I can say with confidence it is wet and windy. Torrential rain showers all night since about 8.00pm.

I don't want to be awake so will try to sleep when my brew is finished. I have two hospital appointments today and another tomorrow. The ongoing saga.........

Friends are coming for tea. They will help build the new arbor Mrs P bought, in return I'll cook for them. Seems fair.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Salut. I have noticed that mornings and evenings are getting cooler now. Not cold enough for the heating to come on though. After all , it is still August and there is another month of summer left yet.


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Busy day today. The Bantam is finally fully road legal. :dance:


So it will be out its first 'shakedown run' this morning.
I'll be setting up the BBQ when I get back for when my old workmate drops in at lunchtime - haven't seen him for years. We always had a good laugh together.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Morning all :hello:

Busy day today. The Bantam is finally fully road legal. :dance:

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So it will be out its first 'shakedown run' this morning.
I'll be setting up the BBQ when I get back for when my old workmate drops in at lunchtime - haven't seen him for years. We always had a good laugh together.

My brothers always had Bantams in various states of repair or disrepair.


Über Member
We only rarely answer the house phone. There is an answering machine, anyone who wants us can leave a message.

The exception is when we're expecting an important call. Our GP practice always calls the landline number, no idea why. So if, for example, we're expecting blood test results we would answer.

Anybody not in my contacts list goes to answer phone, and withheld numbers often get blocked. Too bad if they are genuine, they will have to unblock or try another route such as writing to me.


Legendary Member
A rabbit hops into a pub and asks the bartender, "Could I get a pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie?"
The bartender is taken aback but serves the rabbit his order. The rabbit enjoys his beer, devours the toastie, and then leaves.
The next night, the rabbit returns and once again requests a pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie. Word has spread, and the pub is buzzing with curious patrons. The bartender serves the rabbit, who eats and drinks before heading out.
By the third night, the pub is packed to the brim. As the rabbit walks in and orders his usual, the crowd falls silent in anticipation. The bartender hands over the pint and toastie, and the room erupts in applause as the rabbit finishes his meal and exits.
On the fourth night, there's standing room only. People have traveled from far and wide just to witness this unusual guest. The bartender is making more money in a week than he did all of last year.
But when the rabbit walks in and asks for his usual, the bartender's face falls. "I'm sorry, my friend," he says, "but we're all out of Ham and Cheese Toasties."
The rabbit looks shocked, and the pub goes so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The bartender nervously offers, "But we do have a very nice Cheese and Onion Toastie. I promise you'll love it."
The rabbit eyes him carefully. "Are you sure?" he asks.
With a grin, the bartender replies, "I wouldn't steer you wrong. Trust me, you'll love it."
"Alright," says the rabbit, "I'll have a pint of beer and a Cheese and Onion Toastie."
The pub bursts into cheers as the rabbit enjoys his meal, waves to the crowd, and leaves... never to return.
A year later, the pub is in decline. The bartender, who has only served a handful of drinks that night—most of them to himself—calls last orders. As he's cleaning up, he notices a small white figure hovering above the bar.
"Who are you?" he asks.
"I'm the ghost of the rabbit who used to visit your pub," comes the reply.
The bartender's eyes widen. "I remember you! You made this place famous. Every night, you'd come in for a pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie. People came from miles around just to see you."
"Yes," the rabbit says. "But I also remember that last night when you ran out of Ham and Cheese Toasties. You gave me a Cheese and Onion Toastie instead."
"That's right," the bartender recalls. "But then you never came back. What happened?"
"I died," says the rabbit.
The bartender gasps. "No! How?"
The rabbit pauses before replying, "Mixin' me toasties."
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