The Retirement Thread

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I've been discharged by orthopedics. The consultant is pleased with the healing and flexion of my fingers. The only issue is continuing swelling and fluid. This is a question of time. He did say the fingers will never return to normal. Apparently it's possible to replace the joints with artificial ones.

Occupational Therapy have given me a new sleeve to help reduce swelling. This is very comfy and feels much better already. OT is pleased with progress but I need to keep going. This is good. I get to have the lovely Chelsea hold my hand for 5 minutes 🤣


Legendary Member
Why do things go from bad to July I had to send my driving licence back for renewel few weeks later get another form on medical records because I'm borderline diabetic.
Today I get another lettter saying we have revoked your driving licence due to your medical reports being abnormal which I'm not.
Been up to the doctors and they photoed copied everything to give it to my doctor to sort out, but this is going to takes weeks to sort out.
View attachment 742092 your driving licence

After a long talk with DVLA I may have got it sorted, but I still had to send a letter to them and will have to wait until I get my licence back to drive technically..................


Leg End Member
Why do things go from bad to July I had to send my driving licence back for renewel few weeks later get another form on medical records because I'm borderline diabetic.
Today I get another lettter saying we have revoked your driving licence due to your medical reports being abnormal which I'm not.
Been up to the doctors and they photoed copied everything to give it to my doctor to sort out, but this is going to takes weeks to sort out.
View attachment 742092 your driving licence
How'd they get hold of that medical information, do you know?


Leg End Member
That's an interesting question.
I'm aware that doctors have an obligation to report people who are undergoing assessment for epilepsy, but I've never come across it for diabetes before.
Having checked, it's notifiable if you're being treated for it, and you've been advised by a medical professional to stop driving.
Which Numbnuts has said he isn't. Apologies if it seems as I'm talking about you behind your back Numbnuts, it's the condition not the person that had me wondering.
you have to sign a declaration so the Home Office can see your med notes
and according to DVLA only a medical person can look at them.....yeah right
I jst hope it gets sorted now as I can't take anymore upsets just now.

I have to renew mine in november

If they prat about in the same way then it would bugger us up no end

We need the car to get to see the grand kids - and we look after them once or twice a week when both parents are working - so it would be a problem for them as well!!!

SHouldn;t be a problem but the medical records would show my iron has been low for well over a year - similar to yours!!

anyway - hope it doesn;t but you know how public organisations are sometimes


Legendary Member
I have to renew mine in november

If they prat about in the same way then it would bugger us up no end

We need the car to get to see the grand kids - and we look after them once or twice a week when both parents are working - so it would be a problem for them as well!!!

SHouldn;t be a problem but the medical records would show my iron has been low for well over a year - similar to yours!!

anyway - hope it doesn;t but you know how public organisations are sometimes

I think they are only looking at diabetes so you should be OK
according to what I have learnt today "do you have diabetes" - if you are borderline you DON'T have you are NOT over the limit I suppose that makes sence
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