The Retirement Thread

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A sunny morning here. Daughter and grandson will be heading back to Leeds soon, and Mrs Tkk will be taking granddaughter back to London on the train, staying overnight and returning tomorrow. I shall have the house to myself ( though I have a lot of cleaning / laundry etc after the house guests have gone. A friend phoned for advice about electric bikes, he's in his 80's and not short of a few bob though he's reluctant to spend it. I will take my Electric Brommie down to him but I can't see him spending that sort of money, else I'll point him at Decathlon as at least he willhave a physical store to liase with.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Sitting watching paint dry is better than working :laugh: Thankfully, I am not the type of person who feels the need to fill my days with activity.

There won’t be much outdoors activity this morning as it’s heavy rain.

I am a bit like you. I have never been an ambitious person. I just drifted through life without any real goals. I am happy as I am and content to watch the world go by, without being part of it.


Quite a bit of stress working for yourself at times, I have not had a job for over 48 years, and have been self employed all that time, it has been fun though and still is.

I’ve done both, but now semi-retired running our own business about 15 hours a week so a nice balance.

Best thing about working for yourself is the complete absence of any corporate BS, every hour we work is productive.


Good day. Bright, breezy and showers seems to be the order of the day. Despite being awake for a brew at 4.00am a good night's sleep. Returned to bed at 5.30 and slept till 8.30. Excellent.

This morning we are going to look at sheds. We! Mrs P and I. Surely sheds are man stuff? This is not just any shed. This is more than a shed. The front third is glazed to give a sitting area and the rear is a shed. I'm actually in agreement on this. Online it seems the company will clear the site, prepare everything and erect said shed. I could do this but you know what, life is short.

This afternoon it's cards group. Bridge and Canasta. Always fun.
So - today all planned out
SWMBO has her normal sleep problem and we had promised to take the grand daughter climbing
So - plan was to take her out this morning - come back for lunch and then she can help me with moving some computer around this afternoon for the Food Bank

contact the parents a few minutes ago to arrange times and
she gone to her other grans for the day as they are both working

FFS - we could have arranged for pretty much any day this week - they really need to talk to each other and have a calender on it and LOOK AT THE DAMN THING!!!!

anyway - just having another coffee and I'll ring the other gran and see if she wants us to pick the kid up of not

We has rain.

Some bits here - looks like it will get worse


Legendary Member
I must admit if I had my time over again I would never gave worked for a company. I would have worked for myself. I certainly wouldn't have wanted a managerial position. Its not worth the stress and the toll it takes.

Many years ago someone said to me.......... You may/may not get rich working for yourself but you will Never get rich working for others.
That was just before I packed in a good job at Shell and went on my own.
Wise words imo.
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Morning all :hello:

Stress free and contented all my life.

Off to Branscombe this morning with lunch at the Fountainhead Inn. :smile:

There used to be an Annual Folk music festival at the Fountainhead Inn. It coincided with the sadly now defunct " Midsummer Dream " a circular run from the Hook and Parrot at Seaton, taking in several pubs with a full cream tea in a village hall approximately half way round. The run was a great, fun event, I found a couple of photo's from 2006, one showing the approach to the Fountainhead, the other showing an unofficial " shortcut "
beerrun06 (136).JPG



Legendary Member
Just been using Sky’s online chat thing as I had added the UHD/Dolby add on thinking it would be good, but it turns out the package I am on there’s no real advantage to it so was on cancelling again, but while I was on I got a good deal on the whole home add on instead. It’s normally £13 per month which I would grudge but he gave me it for 24 months for half that, so I will get an extra puck for the bedroom telly. It’ll be handy in the winter months if I go to bed early and want to watch stuff.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I have been wanting to try Ann's Kitchen for a while now, about 3 miles away so today was the day. I took Mrs G there and she liked it. £18 for two English breakfasts , a mug of tea and a cappucino. Quite reasonable I think so we will go again another time. I won't need lunch now so I am ok till tea time. By the way, Molly enjoyed her black pudding which I brought back for her.
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