The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Its going to be a hot one here today. I have the bedding in the machine. It won't take long to dry today
Just had a message from the daughter-i-law asking if we can have the kids all day a week on Tuesday

Funny thing - a few months ago I started volunteering with the local Library - helping people with IT stuff
I picked Tuesday after conferring with everyone about which day would be best

we hardly aver looked after the kids on Tuesdays - nearly always Thursdays and Fridays

since I committed to Tuesday she has been asking for Tuesdays quite often

We have settled for chicken and stuffing sandwiches today.

We have decided that as soon as the weather cools down a bit we are doing (well I am doing) a proper roast chicken in the new oven

did a tinned pie last night and it cooked it very evenly - unlike the old one which needed the pie turning every few minutes or one side was overdone and one side under done!


Legendary Member
Just put my washing out!
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