The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
34°C here tomorrow. Aircon will be getting a good workout.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Cooooeeee. Well so much for being cooler today. Its already 19 deg outside. I have the patio door open .

Shopping day for us.

Stay safe peeps :hello:


Legendary Member
I'm first at the Mini dealers. They're not even open yet, but leave any later Id hit the M1 traffic and be late.


It was raining for some of the drive down.
Good morning all, breezy with a yellow warning of thunderstorms this morning. 21° forecast this afternoon.

Schools are back this week, and I see that the autumn tv schedules are starting today, Mastermind and University Challenge. Feels like summer such as it was is over now.

Today we may find out whether the bin strikes are still going ahead, set to commence on Wednesday.
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