The Retirement Thread

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Talking of idiots in mountains as we were yesterday.

Here, a 21 year old guy decided to wild camp on the summit of Helvellyn this Thursday gone.

The weather conditions were atrocious but still he went.

Five members of the local MRT team brought him down:

BBC News - Wild camper feared wind would throw him into tarn
A tip for you all.
Dont lose the locking nut off you car wheel.
So easy eg at my last service or 18 months ago a job done on the drive.
Daughter got a puncture...... No wheel nut to be found.
To drill out the old one, replace, new tyre. £251 quid:sad:

I lost them from my old car.
When it went in for a service the garage just shrugged and said they would replace them with normal ones

no charge mentioned and when I picked it up there were new wheel nuts on all wheels

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
It's amazing how many stupid people decide to climb Snowdon wearing flip flops, and only wearing shorts and a T shirt only to get to the summit and find that it's snowing and -10. Then they just stand there looking gormless and can't understand how and why the weather is different at the summit.
It's amazing how many stupid people decide to climb Snowdon wearing flip flops, and only wearing shorts and a T shirt only to get to the summit and find that it's snowing and -10. Then they just stand there looking gormless and can't understand how and why the weather is different at the summit.

SOme years ago - shortly after I left my ex and was living alone again - I went to Llanberis and was at a loose end for a few hours

So I decided to head up the simple path from there to Snowdon
no intention of trying to get to the top just walk for a while - have lunch from my backpack - and walk back to the car

I was wearing walking shoes and has a spare jumper and waterproof in my back - so I was OK but would never have tried to get to teh top with that equipment - even though it was a reasonable day weather wise

When I stopped and had lunch I saw loads of people walking up past me

a considerable number were less well equipped that I was - even though they were probably planning on getting to the top and had planned it all - and I was just wearing what I had in the car

It did turn colder and more rainy later on so I assume they got wet - according to the local papers no-one died
(it is Llanberis after all - when I first moved to North Wales I was talking to a local who said he had just met some people who had visited Llanberis and said it was a lovely sunny day - he reckoned they had got lost and been in the wrong place!!!)

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My latest obsession is paracord bracelets.
Sad really :laugh:


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