The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
woke up in the night due to the vertical blinds rattling
closed the window and put the fan on instead

looked at the forecast when I got up this morning and it basically said "windy - very windy"

Same here. I’ve got nearly all the windows open and my blinds are all rattling too.

I think I’ll wander along to Aldi. Never went yesterday. Just really wanting oat milk and cat food.


Leg End Member
don't be silly - skin is pretty much waterproof
for washing up liquid to dissolve fat it need to be taken internally
so you would need to drink it or something

a) don't do this
b) don't investigate the "or something" too much
How can skin be "pretty much waterproof" given all those hairs* poking through it!

* On average 90,000 and 150,000 hairs on your head.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
My grandson is on his way to Scotland as he is climbing Ben Nevis tomorrow.
The forecast is dreadful at 5°
and heavy rain.
The family have tried to talk him out of it to no avail.

I hope you don't mind me saying that but I think he is being very irresponsible.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Pork with peas, stuffing and gravy.

A newly opened bottle of milk that supposedly last for 7 days once opened isn't. It was off within 7 minutes.

And I just spoke to by older brother for 35 minutes. His cats are OK, his car is taxed, serviced and MOT and his insurance cost him £500.

He also spoke to the Dr, the surgeons receptionist and his bank that told him there is only one bank in the whole of Birmingham where he can take out cash from the bank itself.

I am now exhausted. Oh and I had a nice young man from India phone me. His name was John apparently although I do have my suspicions about that, who tried to Interest me in Solar panels.
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Finally got round to repairing a puncture in the tube I took out a few days ago

I have 2 large tubes of rubber solution and a new sheet of patch material - so I should be fine

found the hole - little tear
difficult because the tuce seems to have FOUR seams - whcih seems excessive - but I could trim the patch to stay between two of them

anyway - put the rubber on (stop sniggering at the back!!) and waite d- then put the patch on
all seemed well

went to test it and it still deflated - slower but still going down

so went back to the sink
the patch seemed fine - but there was another leak just round from it and up a bit

and then I found the original problem which I had patched with a self adhesive patch was leaking as well

plus another one somewhere else

a week ago the tube was just fine - now it has 4 holes in it!!!
do these things have a self destruct date or something????

anyway - it's in the bin
have to buy another one!
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