The Retirement Thread

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Chief Broom

Morning folks :okay: think i will rest the old legs today, have been pushing boundaries to advance the cause of gaining strength but dont want to overdo it.
Picked a load of gooseberries yesterday and made a was it nice! ^_^ gooey,crunchy,sweet n sour and with custard was a delight. Still plenty left on the bushes so will make another and get some extra thick cream ^_^
There is one road in and out of my village.......🤔. There is a dirt track across the fields. I've already overhead people with very expensive cars muttering about how this will wreck their car! Not if you drive slowly!!!

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How many of those people have SUVs??

I mean it wouldn;t do mine any good as it is a normal hatchback - but most cars nowadays seem to be becoming SUVs so should manage a dirt track OK it is was reasonable and they drove sensibly
(the last bit being the problem!)


How many of those people have SUVs??

I mean it wouldn;t do mine any good as it is a normal hatchback - but most cars nowadays seem to be becoming SUVs so should manage a dirt track OK it is was reasonable and they drove sensibly
(the last bit being the problem!)

Quite a few and we're not talking off roading here. Just a couple of potholes to avoid and a cattle grid!!
Just read an article - well I say article, more of an advert - from a reporter who has been to the new local Wendy's.
Apparently it is a burger place from the USA

Also apparently it is "famous" for its square burgers.
OK - fine, it is just minced beef so it can be any shape you want - but had a look at the images and Yup - square burgers
but they still use round bins for them!!!!!!!




Legendary Member
Bass practiced, mandolin played, Mini cleaned, new water butt installed, lunch consumed...just settling down for 40 winks on my new recliner.
Just read an article - well I say article, more of an advert - from a reporter who has been to the new local Wendy's.
Apparently it is a burger place from the USA

Also apparently it is "famous" for its square burgers.
OK - fine, it is just minced beef so it can be any shape you want - but had a look at the images and Yup - square burgers
but they still use round bins for them!!!!!!!



Lorne sausages did the square thing first :smile:
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