The Retirement Thread

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For those of you on low pensions (for whatever reason), check to see if you should apply for Pension Credit. It's not a normal benefit in that it is a gateway to other payments such as help with your rental costs, and now winter fuel payment. Pensions have a habit of not keeping up with the cost of living.

It can be a bit tricky as it will ask about any capital you have. Also you may not be entitled to it one year if you are over the current limits but check each year. Pensions have a habit of not keeping up with the cost of living.

It's unlikely anyone on the new state pension qualifes for pension credit. The intention with pension credit is to top up weekly income to:

Single person £218/week
Couple £333/week

The full new state pension is £221/week. Pension credit is about equalising the old and new state pensions.

There are exceptions for those who contracted out, are caught in the changeover period etc.


Good morning all, wall to wall sunshine forecast, temp to hit 19° by early afternoon.
I don’t usually watch tennis but made an exception for Murray’s last match last night, again !
And in other news my bank account is the happy recipient this morning of my first ever pension payment, still pinching myself that I get this for life now without having to lift a finger ! What with this and my free bus travel it’s taking some getting used to !
Good man. Even four years on I'm grateful for that money arriving every four weeks.

Enjoy the golden years.


A very exciting women's Triathlon going on at the moment. Am I the only one listening to the commentary and occasionally shouting " Fewer! " at the telly?

Probably! Fewer??????

Great bike race but those roads look lethal. Most of the falls look to caused by a greasy surface but I thought Kasper made a fundamental error when she went down the second time. Shoulder checked into a bend on a greasy surface is almost asking to go down.

It takes real courage and skill to ride at this pace on that surface.


Legendary Member
What a problem. 😱😱😱

Put my eggs on to boil but forgot to set the timer. 3:30 from boiling point delivers the perfect egg.

Hmm? What to do? 🤔 I mean this is a problem. Admittedly a First World problem but a problem none the less.

Girding my loins, I fished out the eggs, cooled them under the cold tap. I sat down with no small degree of trepidation. Crack, off came the top and bright yellow yolk oozed down the egg cup side. Perfect!!

Yes, the sun does shine on the righteous.

Do you realise the way to check if a boiled egg is just right is to simply lift it out of the pan on a spoon. If it takes 5-10 seconds to dry off it will be fine.
Good morning all, wall to wall sunshine forecast, temp to hit 19° by early afternoon.
I don’t usually watch tennis but made an exception for Murray’s last match last night, again !
And in other news my bank account is the happy recipient this morning of my first ever pension payment, still pinching myself that I get this for life now without having to lift a finger ! What with this and my free bus travel it’s taking some getting used to !

Nice one, pleased for you.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
It's unlikely anyone on the new state pension qualifes for pension credit. The intention with pension credit is to top up weekly income to:

Single person £218/week
Couple £333/week

The full new state pension is £221/week. Pension credit is about equalising the old and new state pensions.

There are exceptions for those who contracted out, are caught in the changeover period etc.

There will be some. Some women stayed at home to look after kids until they were old enough to be left on their own. Lots of women didn't have access to childcare so had to stay home. I'm one of those. I didn't go back to work until my son was 6 and my daughter was 4 and even then it was part time and I wasn't earning enough for my NI contributions to be considered.


Hearing the commentators mention " Boulevard St Germain " has given me Peter Sarsted's " Where do you go to " as an earworm.


Legendary Member
I just knew today was going to be good.
Woke for a wee at 4.
Back to sleep and was was woken for blood pressure etc.
Back to sleep then woke to have the old canula taken out.
Back to sleep then woken to have new canula fitted. The last one took 6 attempts but this one was in 1st time.
Now I have a cup of tea..
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